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Manages the merging of versions graphically


ProductCommand type
ClearCase LTcommand



  • Start the graphical user interface for a UCM deliver operation:
    clearmrgman –del·iver [ –str·eam stream-selector]
    [-to target-view-tag] [ –tar·get stream-selector ]
    [ –q·uery | –qal·l ]

  • Start the graphical user interface for a UCM rebase operation:
    clearmrgman –reb·ase [ –vie·w rebase-view-tag]
    [–str·eam stream-selector] [ –q·uery | –qal·l ]

  • Start the Merge Manager:
    clearmrgman [ –tta·g to-view-tag ]
    [ { [ –fta·g from-view-tag | –fbr·anch branch-type
    | –fla·bel label-type | –fve·rsion version-selector ]
    [ –d·irectory | –nr·ecurse ]
    [ –fol·low ] [ –noa·utomerge ] [ –q·uery | –qal·l ]
    [ –a·ll vob-names | –avo·bs | pname... ] }
    { –fil·e mrgman-file } ]


The clearmrgman command starts the Merge Manager, a graphical tool that manages the process of merging one or more versions. It automates the processes of gathering information for a merge, starting a merge, and tracking a merge. It can also save and retrieve the state of a merge for a set of versions.

You can also use UCM-specific options to start a graphical interface for a deliver or rebase operation.


Identities: No special identity is required to invoke clearmrgman. If an operation invokes checkout and/or merge, the identity checking of those commands is in effect.

Locks: No locks apply.

Mastership: (Replicated VOBs only) No mastership restrictions.


Starting the Graphical User Interface for a Deliver or Rebase Operation

Starts the Merge Manager.

Starts the graphical user interface for a UCM deliver operation.

–stream stream-selector
Specifies a stream to be used as the source for the UCM deliver or rebase operation.

–to target-view-tag
Specifies a view attached to the deliver target stream in the same project or in a different project. This option is not accepted for a remote post-deliver operation.

–target stream-selector
Specifies a nondefault deliver target stream in the same or a different project. For more information about delivering to an alternative target, see deliver.

Starts the graphical user interface for a UCM rebase operation.

–view rebase-view-tag
Specifies a view to be used for the UCM rebase operation.

Specifying the Destination View


–ttag to-view-tag
Specifies a view that is used as the target of the merge operation. Merge results are created in this view.

Specifying the From–Version


–ftag from-view-tag
Specifies a view that is used as the from-view in the merge operation. Compares this version with the version in your view. A version of the same version is always used, even if the version has a different name in the other view.

–fbranch branch-type
Compares the version in your view with the latest version on the specified branch.

–flabel label-type
Compares the version in your view with the version selected by the specified label.

–fversion version-selector
Compares the version in your view with the version specified by version-selector.

Narrowing the List of Versions to Be Considered

Use the following options to select a subset of the versions specified by pname arguments and the –all or –avobs option.

For each directory, considers only the directory itself, not the directory or file versions, or VOB symbolic links it catalogs.

For each directory version, considers the file and directory versions within it, but does not descend into its subdirectories.

Causes VOB symbolic links to be traversed.

Turning Off Automatic Merging

Use the following options to select a subset of the of the versions specified by pname arguments and the –all or –avobs option.

Turns off automatic merging of directories.

Turns off automatic merging for nontrivial merges and prompts you to proceed with every change in the from-versions. Changes in the to-version are accepted unless a conflict exists.

Turns off automated merging. Prompts you to determine whether you want to proceed with each change.

Specifying the Versions to Be Considered


–all vob-names
Considers all the versions in the specified VOB or VOBs, whether or not they are visible in your view.

Considers all the versions in all the VOBs active (mounted) on the local host. (If environment variable CLEARCASE_AVOBS is set to a colon-separated list of VOB-tags, this set of VOBs is used instead.

Considers only the specified file versions and the subtrees under the specified directory versions.

Loading a Merge Manager File

Starts a new session.

–fil·e mrgman-file
Loads the specified merge manager file.


  • Start the Merge Manager.


  • Start the Merge Manager and compare the version of foo.c selected by the view joe_view with the version of foo.c selected by the active view.

    clearmrgman -ftag joe_view foo.c 

  • Start the graphical user interface for a UCM deliver operation.

    clearmrgman -deliver rt_int/@vobs/mypvob



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