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Creates a server storage location for views or VOBs.


ProductCommand type
ClearCasecleartool subcommand
ClearCase LTcleartool subcommand



  • ClearCase:
    mkstgloc { –vie·w | –vob } [ –f·orce ] [ –c·omment comment ]
    [ –reg·ion network-region ]
    [ –hos·t hostname –hpa·th host-storage-pname
    –gpa·th global-storage-pname | –ngp·ath
    [ –hos·t hostname –hpa·th host-storage-pname ] ]
    stgloc-name stgloc-pname

  • ClearCase LT:
    mkstgloc { –vie·w | -vob } [ –f·orce ] [ –c·omment comment ]
    stgloc-name stgloc-pname


The mkstgloc command creates and registers a named server storage location for view or VOB storage directories. The command initializes a physical directory and writes information describing that directory to the ClearCase or ClearCase LT registry. For information about the registry, see the Administrator's Guide.

Other Uses for mkstgloc

You can also use mkstgloc for other purposes:

  • Adopting an existing directory as a server storage location. An existing directory is adopted if stgloc-pname specifies that directory.
  • (ClearCase) Registering an existing server storage location in a new region. A server storage location is registered in a new region if stgloc-pname specifies an existing server storage location. Specify new arguments for options such as –region and –host as appropriate for the region in which you are registering the server storage location.

Default Selection of Server Storage Locations During View and VOB Creation

For information about the default selection of server storage locations in view and VOB creation, see the mkview and mkvob reference pages.

ClearCase—File System Connectivity Considerations

Before creating a server storage location for a ClearCase view or VOB, determine whether there is file system connectivity between the server storage location's host and its clients in the regions that advertise the server storage location. File system connectivity determines how you can use the server storage location, as follows:

Server storage location useFile system connectivity
Dynamic viewsRequired (a global path to the server storage location must exist)
VOB to be accessed through dynamic viewsRequired (a global path to the server storage location must exist)
Snapshot viewsNot required
VOB to be accessed only through snapshot viewsNot required

ClearCase—Derived and Explicitly Specified Client Accessibility Information

To be accessible to its clients, a ClearCase server storage location needs to be registered with the following information:

  • The name of the host where the server storage location resides.
  • A host-local pathname to the server storage location.
  • For dynamic views or VOBs accessed through dynamic views, a global pathname to the server storage location relative to the host's network region.
  • The network region in which the host resides.

In many cases, ClearCase heuristically derives appropriate accessibility information from the stgloc-pname argument. In cases where there is no file system connectivity between the server storage location and its clients, ClearCase derives the host name and host-local path, but because no meaningful global path can be derived, you must specify –ngpath to unset the global path information.

An unusual network configuration may defeat the heuristic by which accessibility information is derived, thereby preventing access to the server storage location by some or all ClearCase clients. In such cases, set the registry information explicitly, following these guidelines:

  • To create a server storage location for dynamic views or for VOBs intended to be accessed through dynamic views, use the option set, –host –hpath –gpath.
  • To create a server storage location for snapshot views or for VOBs intended to be accessed only through snapshot views, use these options:
    • –host –hpath –gpath when there is file system connectivity between the server storage location host and its clients.
    • –ngpath –host –hpath when there is no file system connectivity between the server storage location host and its clients.

To create a server storage location on a supported network attached storage (NAS) device, you must specify the option set, –host –hpath –gpath. (NAS devices must be specially configured for use with ClearCase. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide.)

ClearCase LT—File System Connectivity and Client Accessibility

For ClearCase LT, issues related to file system connectivity and client accessibility to server storage locations are not as complex as they can be for ClearCase. ClearCase LT assumes there is no file system connectivity such as that provided by NFS, so there are no command options or arguments related to the presence or absence of file system connectivity.

All server storage locations reside at the ClearCase LT server host. ClearCase LT clients learn the name of that host at client-install time. In rare cases, the host chosen to serve as the ClearCase LT server host is known by different names through different network interfaces. However, ClearCase LT requires that the ClearCase LT server host be known to all its clients by the same host name. Therefore, you must set up the host's network configuration to ensure that a single host name maps to different network addresses that are appropriate for the various client hosts of the server. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide.




Specifying the Object Type for Which a Server Storage Location Is to Be Created


Specifies that the server storage location is for view storage directories.

Specifies that the server storage location is for VOB storage directories.

Confirmation Step

Prompts for confirmation that the server storage location is to be created as specified only if you are adopting an existing directory (see “Other Uses for mkstgloc”).

Suppresses the confirmation step.



–c·omment comment
Specifies a comment for the server storage location's entry in the registry. Use lsstgloc to display the comment.

Specifying a Network Region

The host's network region.

–reg·ion network-region
Causes the server storage location to be registered in the specified network-region. An error occurs if the region does not exist.

Specifying Network Accessibility

A host name, host-local path, and global path are derived from the specified stgloc-pname.

–hos·t hostname
–hpa·th host-storage-pname
–gpa·th global-storage -pname
Use these options only after you have determined that you need to explicitly set a server storage location's registry information (see “ClearCase—Derived and Explicitly Specified Client Accessibility Information”). The information is written to the registry exactly as you specify it.

You must either specify the –host, –hpath, and –gpath options as a set; or use –ngpath and optionally specify –host and –hpath.

–host hostname—The name of the host where the server storage location is to reside or, if the storage is on a NAS device, the name of the host on which the VOB or view server serving the storage location will run.

–hpath host-storage-pname—A standard full pathname to the server storage location that is valid on the specified host.

–gpath global-storage-pname—A standard full pathname to the server storage location that is valid in the target network region for all client hosts that are to access the server storage location.

–ngp·ath—Specifies that in the target region there is no global path by which the server storage location can be accessed.

Specifying a Name and Path for the Server Storage Location


Specifies the name under which the server storage location is to be registered. The name must be unique within the target region.

Specifies the path to the server storage location. stgloc-pname must not specify a subdirectory of an existing server storage location.

ClearCase on UNIX. stgloc-pname must specify a location on a host where the ClearCase installation is not client-only. For storage intended for snapshot views or VOBs to be accessed only through snapshot views, stgloc-pname must be a UNC name only if there is a global path to the server storage location (that is, you did not specify –ngpath). For related information, see the description of CCASE_GPATH_HINTS in the env_ccase reference page.

ClearCase on Windows. stgloc-pname must specify a location on a host where the ClearCase installation is not client-only. For storage intended for dynamic views or VOBs they access, stgloc-pname must be a UNC name. For storage intended for snapshot views or VOBs to be accessed only through snapshot views, stgloc-pname must be a UNC name only if there is a global path to the server storage location (that is, you did not specify –ngpath). stgloc-pname must not be within a Windows special share, such as the share that is designated by drive$ and that allows administrators to access the drive over the network.

NAS devices providing storage for ClearCase on UNIX or Windows. stgloc-pname must specify a location on the NAS device that is accessible to all ClearCase hosts in the region.

ClearCase LT on UNIX. stgloc-pname must be located on the ClearCase LT server host and must be must be a UNC name. For related information, see the description of CCASE_GPATH_HINTS in the env_ccase reference page.

ClearCase LT on Windows. stgloc-pname must be located on the ClearCase LT server host and must be must be a UNC name. stgloc-pname must not be within a Windows special share, such as the share that is designated by drive$ and that allows administrators to access the drive over the network.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

  • Create a server storage location for VOBs that dynamic views can access, allowing mkstgloc to derive client accessibility information from the specified server storage location pathname.

    cmd-context  mkstgloc –vob stgloc_vob1 ~/stgloc_vob1
    Created and advertised Server Storage Location.
    Host-local path: peroxide:/export/home/bert/stgloc_vob1
    Global path: /net/peroxide/export/home/bert/stgloc_vob1

  • Create a server storage location for dynamic views, allowing mkstgloc to derive client accessibility information from the specified server storage location pathname.

    cmd-context  mkstgloc –view stgloc_view1 ~/stgloc_view1
    Created and advertised Server Storage Location.
    Host-local path: peroxide:/export/home/bert/stgloc_view1
    Global path: /net/peroxide/export/home/bert/stgloc_view1

  • Create a server storage location for a VOB that only snapshot views will access.

    cmd-context  mkstgloc –vob –ngpath store1 C:\store1
    Created and advertised Server Storage Location.
    Host-local path: peroxide: C:\store1
    Global path: <no-gpath>

  • Create a server storage location for VOBs on a NAS device. The VOB server will run on ClearCase host ccvobsvr1

    cmd-context mkstgloc -vob -host ccvobsvr1 -gpath \\nasdevice\vobstg\nasvobstg \
    -hpath \\nasdevice\vobstg\nasvobstg ccnasvobstg \\nasdevice\vobstg\nasvobstg
    Created and advertised Server Storage Location.
    Host-local path: ccvobsvr1:\\nasdevice\vobstg\nasvobstg
    Global path: \\nasdevice\vobstg\nasvobstg


cleartool, lsstgloc, mkview, mkvob, rmstgloc, Administrator's Guide



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