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     digictl -- control Digiboard devices


     digictl -a disable | enable | query device ...
     digictl [-d debug] [-ir] ctrl-device ...


     The digictl utility provides control of the Digiboard installed with the
     given ctrl-device name and provides control of individual digiboard
     devices.  A digiboard ctrl-device is usually of the form /dev/digiN.ctl
     where N is the card number and starts at ``0'' for the first attached
     card.  A digiboard device is usually of the form /dev/cua[il]DN.P or
     /dev/tty[il]DN.P where N is the card number and P is the port number.

     The following flags are recognized:

     -a disable | enable | query
		 Disable, enable or query the ALTPIN settings for the given

		 When ALTPIN is enabled, the CD and DSR lines are logically
		 reversed.  This is useful when wiring serial ports to an 8
		 way RJ45 cable (full 10 way RJ45 cables are quite rare).

		 A single ALTPIN setting applies to both of the callout and
		 callin devices.

     -d debug	 If the driver has been compiled with DEBUG defined, the fol-
		 lowing bits from the debug variable are used to enable diag-
		 nostics in the digiboard driver:

		 1 (INIT)      Diagnostics during card attach, detach and ini-

		 2 (OPEN)      Diagnostics when opening a port.

		 4 (CLOSE)     Diagnostics when closing a port.

		 8 (SET)       Diagnostics when setting tty device flags.

		 16 (INT)      Diagnostics when processing card events.

		 32 (READ)     Reports return values from port reads.

		 64 (WRITE)    Reports return values from port writes.

		 128 (RX)      Reports receive queue flow control.

		 256 (TX)      Reports transmit queue flow control.

		 512 (IRQ)     Diagnostics during interrupts (enable these
			       with care).

		 1024 (MODEM)  Diagnostics when setting modem status flags.

		 2048 (RI)     Reports when a RING is received.
		 It is preferable to reinitialize the card rather than reload
		 the entire digi module as reinitialization only affects the
		 specified board rather than affecting all attached boards.


     It should be possible to reinitialize a board without closing all of the
     existing ports.


     The digictl utility first appeared in FreeBSD 5.0.

FreeBSD 5.4			 June 20, 2001			   FreeBSD 5.4


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