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     csplit -- split files based on context


     csplit [-ks] [-f prefix] [-n number] file args ...


     The csplit utility splits file into pieces using the patterns args.  If
     file is a dash (`-'), csplit reads from standard input.

     The options are as follows:

     -f prefix
	     Give created files names beginning with prefix.  The default is

     -k      Do not remove output files if an error occurs or a HUP, INT or
	     TERM signal is received.

     -n number
	     Use number of decimal digits after the prefix to form the file
	     name.  The default is 2.

     -s      Do not write the size of each output file to standard output as
	     it is created.

     The args operands may be a combination of the following patterns:

	     Create a file containing the input from the current line to (but
	     not including) the next line matching the given basic regular
	     expression.  An optional offset from the line that matched may be

	     Same as above but a file is not created for the output.

	     Create containing the input from the current line to (but not
	     including) the specified line number.

     {num}   Repeat the previous pattern the specified number of times.  If it
	     follows a line number pattern, a new file will be created for
	     each line_no lines, num times.  The first line of the file is
	     line number 1 for historic reasons.

     After all the patterns have been processed, the remaining input data (if
     there is any) will be written to a new file.

     Requesting to split at a line before the current line number or past the
     end of the file will result in an error.


     The LANG, LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE environment variables affect
     the execution of csplit as described in environ(7).



     The csplit utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


     sed(1), split(1), re_format(7)


     A csplit command appeared in PWB UNIX.


     The csplit utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').

FreeBSD 5.4			 July 12, 2004			   FreeBSD 5.4


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