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     whereis -- locate programs


     whereis [-abmqsux] [-BMS dir ... -f] program ...


     The whereis utility checks the standard binary, manual page, and source
     directories for the specified programs, printing out the paths of any it
     finds.  The supplied program names are first stripped of leading path
     name components, any single trailing extension added by gzip(1),
     compress(1), or bzip2(1), and the leading `s.' or trailing `,v' from a
     source code control system.

     The default path searched is the string returned by the sysctl(8) utility
     for the ``user.cs_path'' string, with /usr/libexec, /usr/games and the
     current user's $PATH appended.  Manual pages are searched by default
     along the $MANPATH.  Program sources are located in a list of known stan-
     dard places, including all the subdirectories of /usr/src and /usr/ports.

     The following options are available:

     -B      Specify directories to search for binaries.  Requires the -f

     -M      Specify directories to search for manual pages.  Requires the -f

     -S      Specify directories to search for program sources.  Requires the
	     -f option.

     -a      Report all matches instead of only the first of each requested

     -b      Search for binaries.

     -f      Delimits the list of directories after the -B, -M, or -S options,
	     and indicates the beginning of the program list.

     -m      Search for manual pages.

     -q      (``quiet'').  Suppress the output of the utility name in front of
	     the normal output line.  This can become handy for use in a back-
	     quote substitution of a shell command line, see EXAMPLES.

     -s      Search for source directories.

     -u      Search for ``unusual'' entries.  A file is said to be unusual if
	     it does not have at least one entry of each requested type.  Only
	     the name of the unusual entry is printed.

     -x      Do not use ``expensive'' tools when searching for source directo-
	     ries.  Normally, after unsuccessfully searching all the first-
	     level subdirectories of the source directory list, whereis will
	     ask locate(1) to find the entry on its behalf.  Since this can
	     take much longer, it can be turned off with -x.

	   cd `whereis -sq ls`


     find(1), locate(1), man(1), which(1), sysctl(8)


     The whereis utility appeared in 3.0BSD.  This version re-implements the
     historical functionality that was lost in 4.4BSD.


     This implementation of the whereis command was written by Jorg Wunsch.


     This re-implementation of the whereis utility is not bug-for-bug compati-
     ble with historical versions.  It is believed to be compatible with the
     version that was shipping with FreeBSD 2.2 through FreeBSD 4.5 though.

     The whereis utility can report some unrelated source entries when the -a
     option is specified.

FreeBSD 5.4			August 22, 2002 		   FreeBSD 5.4


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