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dasadmin - ADIC/EMASS/Grau silo administrative utility libstlemass - shared library for communication to ADIC/EMASS/Grau silo


       dasadmin command [options] [parameters]
         dasadmin.exe  command [options] [parameters]    (NT only)
         libstlemass.so   (Solaris)
         libstlemass.so.a (AIX)
         libstlemass.sl   (HPUX)
         libstlemass.so.1 (SGI)
         libstlemass.so   (DECAXP)
         libstlemass.dll  (NT i386)


       This  is  not a complete listing of all possible dasadmin commands, but
       does include those commands that are of  use  with  NetWorker.   For  a
       complete  discussion, see the DAS Installation and Administration guide
       provided by ADIC, EMASS or Grau.
            mo[unt] [ -t type ] volser [ drive-name ]
               Mounts the tape with the barcode label of  volser  into  either
               the  first  available drive (if drive-name is not specified) or
               into the drive specified by drive-name.  If the tape is not the
               type  defined  by DAS_MEDIUM or ACI_MEDIA_TYPE, you can use the
               -t type option to get the tape mounted.  If  the  type  of  the
               tape  and the defined type for the drive do not match, the silo
               will not load the tape. Note that the drive you are  attempting
               to  use  must be allocated for your use before you can mount or
               dismount tapes.  See listd and allocd below.
            dism[ount] [ -t type ] volser | -d drive-name
               Dismounts the tape  that  is  either  specified  by  volser  or
               whatever  is in the drive specified by drive-name.  If the tape
               or drive are of a different type than your default, use the  -t
               type  parameter.   As  with  mount,  you  must  have  the drive
               allocated to you to use this command.
            ej[ect] [ -c ] [ -t type ] volser-range area-name
               Ejects one or more tapes to the specified eject area.  As  with
               other  commands,  if  the  type of the tape you are ejecting is
               different from that defined by  DAS_MEDIUM  or  ACI_MEDIA_TYPE,
               you  will  need  the  -t  type  option.   The  -c  specifies  a
               'complete' ejection for  the  specified  volsers.   A  complete
               ejection  removes  the  entry  for  that  volser  from the silo
               controller's internal database.  A NON-complete  ejection  will
               eject  the  tape,  but  the volser's entry in the database will
               remain, and the volser's state will be set to 'ejected'.   This
               is  useful  if  you  anticipate  replacing the tape in the silo
            in[sert] area-name
               Moves all tapes that are  currently  in  the  specified  insert
               area-name  from the insert area to the normal storage locations
               for tapes.
               Starts a full inventory of the silo.   USE  WITH  CAUTION!   An
               drive must be allocd'ed UP for your system.  If it is currently
               allocd'ed UP for a different client, it must first be allocd'ed
               DOWN for that client before being allocd'ed UP for your system.
               You cannot allocd DOWN a drive that has a tape in it.  The tape
               must be dismounted first.
               listd  or  ld  shows  the  current state of all the tape drives
               defined in the silo.  The information  presented  will  include
               the  drive-name,  the  amu  drive  (the  location in the silo),
               status (UP or DOWN), type, client the drive  is  allocated  to,
               and the volser of any loaded tape.
            show -op | -ac client-name
               Shows  the  operational  or access parameters for the specified
               client-name.  You must include either -ac if you  wish  to  see
               access  parameters,  or  -op  if  you  wish  to see operational
               parameters for  the  client-name.   Access  parameters  include
               volser  ranges and drive ranges that the client-name is allowed
               to use.  Operational parameters include whether the client-name
               has  complete  access,  dismount  privileges  along with the IP
               address entered for client-name.
            list client-name
               Lists any outstanding requests that have been made  by  client-
               name.  If there are any, they are shown, along with the request
               number and type.
            can[cel] request-id
               Allows you to cancel an outstanding request, assuming that  you
               have  the  necessary  privileges.   Use the request-id that was
               shown by the list command.
               Shows the version of the DAS server that you are  connected  to
               and  the  version  of the ACI protocol you are using to talk to
            qvolsrange beginvolser endvolser count [ clientname ]
               qvolsrange is the way to obtain a list of the volsers that  are
               available  in  the silo.  beginvolser and endvolser are volsers
               of the form "123456".  To use the first available or  the  last
               available,  you can use "".  count specifies the maximum number
               of volsers you wish to see.


          These environment variables affect the operation of  the  silo,  and
          since  the  processes  that are using them include both the commands
          the user will enter and the processes that are  spawned  from  nsrd,
          they  need  to be set in a location where they will be in place when
          nsrd is started.  The three DAS_ variables are used by  libstlemass,
          while dasadmin uses ACI_MEDIA_TYPE instead of DAS_MEDIUM.

          For    Solaris,    the    definitions    should    be    placed   in

          For AIX, the definitions should be placed in /etc/rc.nsr.

          For    HPUX,    the    definitions    should    be     placed     in

          This is either the network name or the IP address of the system that
          is running DAS. For a single silo, this will  usually  be  the  silo
          This  variable  is  used  by  libstlemass.  It should be the same as
          This is the type of tape drive you are connected to.  If this is not
          specified, the default value of DLT will be used.

          This  variable  is  used  by  dasadmin.   It  should  be the same as
          This is the type of tape drive you are connected to.  If this is not
          specified, the default value of DLT will be used.  Acceptable values
          are the same as those listed under DAS_MEDIUM.


       NOTE on ranges:
         The dasadmin utility will accept volser  ranges  for  some  commands.
         There are three acceptable variations for these ranges:
         single volser: "000635"
         multiple volsers: "000635, 000789, 098732"
         true range: "000610 - 000745"

       NOTE on area-name and drive-name:
         area-names  usually  consist  of  a  letter and 2 digits.  The letter
         corresponds to whether you are referring to an insert area  ("I")  or
         an  eject  area  ("E").  You will need to get the correct values from
         your silo administrator before using them.
         drive-names are essentially  free-form  labels  created  by  whomever
         installed  the  silo.   They  may  or  may  not have any relevance to
         physical reality, so you will need to see the silo admin to  get  the
         correct  names.   If the silo admin is not available, you can get the
         same information using dasadmin listd along with  dasadmin  show  -op
         client-name followed by dasadmin show -ac client-name commands.

         To setup the environment variables necessary for silo operations:
              setenv DAS_SERVER emask
              setenv DAS_CLIENT aurora
              setenv DAS_MEDIUM DLT
              setenv ACI_MEDIA_TYPE DECDLT

         To see a listing of all volsers available in the silo:
              dasadmin qvolsrange "" "" 10000

         To see the current status of the drives in the silo:
              dasadmin listd

         To change the allocation of a drive from client a4 to client aurora:
              dasadmin allocd DLT1 DOWN a4
              dasadmin allocd DLT1 UP aurora


       nsrjb(1), jbconfig(1), libstlstk(1), mini_el(1), ssi(1), libstlibm(1)


            The  only  available diagnostic information is error messages that
            may be printed out by dasadmin and libstlemass in  the  course  of
            normal operations.


Legato NetWorker 7.x

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