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  nsr (1)
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nsr_migration - NetWorker resource type 'NSR migration'


       type: NSR migration


       Each NSR migration client is described by a single resource of type NSR
       migration (see nsr_resource(5)).  To edit the NSR  migration  resources
       for a NetWorker server type:

              nsradmin -c "type:NSR migration"

       See  the nsradmin(1) manual page for more information on using the Net-
       Worker administration program.  The client resource may also be  edited
       using the nwadmin(1) command.

       For  each  NetWorker  migration  client,  this resource describes which
       files should be saved, the schedule used to  save  these  files,  which
       directive  should  be  used to omit files from the save, the group that
       files will be pre-migrated with, the high-water mark for migration, the
       low-water  mark  for  migration,  the minimum last access time for file
       migration, the minimum file size for migration, a list of  file  owners
       and groups to include or exclude for migration, and a list of file name
       patterns to skip migration  of.   A  client  may  have  more  than  one
       resource describing it.


       The  following  attributes are defined for resource type NSR migration.
       The information in parentheses describes how the attribute  values  are
       accessed,  and  how they are entered in the migration setup.  Read-only
       indicates that  the  value  cannot  be  changed  by  an  administrator.
       Read/write means the value can be set as well as read.  Hidden means it
       is an attribute of interest only to  programs  or  experts,  and  these
       attributes  can  only  be  seen  when the hidden option is turned on in
       nsradmin(1) or by selecting the details Menu Item in the View Menu  for
       a  particular  window  in  nwadmin(1).   Dynamic attributes have values
       which change rapidly.  Encrypted attributes contain data  that  is  not
       displayed  in  its  original  form.  The assumption is that the data is
       sensitive in nature and needs to be protected from  accidental  disclo-
       sure.   Single  String  indicates  that  only one value can be entered.
       List indicates that multiple values can be entered.   Choice  indicates
       that  the  value  can  be  selected from a checkbox selection.  Several
       additional attributes (for example, administrator) are  common  to  all
       resources, and are described in nsr_resource(5).

       client         (read-only, single string)
              This  attribute identifies the HSM client whose save sets are to
              be placed under migration control.  This name must  be  a  valid
              name for an existing NSR client resource.
              Example: client: elantra;

       comment             (read/write)
              This  attribute  is  provided  for the administrator to keep any
              explanatory  remarks  or  supplementary  information  about  the
              Example: directive: Unix with compression directives;

       enabled             (read/write, choice)
              This  attribute  determines  whether  the save set named in this
              resource should be automatically migrated.  A  resource  can  be
              disabled to temporarily keep migration from occuring. On update,
              any ongoing migration operations will complete.  This  attribute
              has no affect on recall operations.
              Example: enabled:  No;

       file group          (read/write, list)
              A  list of the groups whose files should be migrated.  A leading
              dash ('-') in a group name indicates negation, in which case all
              groups except the named group's files will be migrated.
              Example: file group: staff, developers;

       file owner          (read/write, list)
              A  list  of the users whose files should be migrated.  A leading
              dash ('-') in a user name indicates negation, in which case  all
              users except the named user's files will be migrated.
              Example: file owner: pgupta, dbinder;

       group               (read/write, list)
              The  groups  this  client/saveset  is  part  of  for pre-staging
              migrated files.  The choices are defined by the set of  existing
              Example: group: Default;

       highwater mark %    (read/write, single string)
              The  point  at which files should start being replaced by stubs,
              measured as the  percentage  of  available  space  used  on  the
              filesystem.   Migration  (stub  replacement) will continue until
              the lower water mark is reached.
              Example: high water mark (%): 90;

       last access time    (read/write, single string)
              Migrate only those files that have not been accessed in the past
              specified  relative  time.   If  this  value  is empty, the last
              access time is not considered.
              Example values: 5 days ago, 1 month ago, 1 second ago.
              Example: last access time: 7 days ago

       low water mark %    (read/write, single string)
              The point at which files should be stop being replaced by stubs,
              measured  as  the  percentage  of  available  space  used on the
              Example: low water mark (%): 80;

       minimum file size (KB)  (read/write, single string)
              Migrate only those files that are larger than the specified size
              (in  Kilobytes).  Setting this value to zero causes file size to
              not be considered.
              Example: minimum file size (KB): 5;

       name           (read-only, single string)
              This attribute identifies the  NetWorker  client  and  save  set
              whose migration attributes are stored in this resource.
              Example: name: venus All;
              filesystems  may round the fingerprint size to a different value
              when migrating a file.
              Example: fingerprint size (KB): 8;

       file owner          (read/write, list)
              A list of the users whose files should be migrated.   A  leading
              dash  ('-') in a user name indicates negation, in which case all
              users except the named user's files will be migrated.
              Example: file owner: karl, cohrs;

       file group          (read/write, list)
              A list of the groups whose files should be migrated.  A  leading
              dash ('-') in a group name indicates negation, in which case all
              groups except the named group's files will be migrated.
              Example: file group: staff, developers;

       preserve       (read/write, list)
              A list of regular expressions, in the client shell  syntax  (for
              example, /bin/sh syntax on Unix).  A file name which matches any
              pattern in  the  list  will  be  preserved  and  will  never  be
              Example: preserve: *.exe *.dll;

       save set                        (read/write, list)
              This  attribute lists the path names of filesystems or sub-trees
              within filesystems to  put  under  migration  control  for  this
              client.  The names should be separated by comma space (, ).  The
              default value is 'All'.  On Unix clients, 'All'  refers  to  all
              mounted  filesystems,  except  for the filesystems /, /usr, /var
              (and /opt on solaris), where migration of files is not  allowed.
              Example: save set: /usr/src, /spare;

       statistics          (read/write, hidden, list)
              A  list  of  statistics  about recent migration activity for the
              save set(s) managed using this resource.  The first value is the
              last  update  time.   Subsequent groups of values contain a save
              set name and statistics. The statistics are currently a date, K-
              bytes  pre-migrated,  files pre-migrated, K-bytes stubbed, files
              stubbed, K-bytes de-migrated and files de-migrated.

       update statistics   (read/write, hidden, choice)
              This controls whether the statistics in this resource should  be
              updated  to  match  the current values on the client.  Selecting
              "Yes" causes the statistics to be  updated,  but  the  attribute
              value will not actually change.
              Example: update statistics:  No;


       Note: The hidden options are not shown in these examples.

       A  resource  to  define  an  HSM  client, called elantra, migrating and
       recalling files in the /test filesystem from a NetWorker server:
                             client: elantra;
                          directive: Unix with compression directives ;
                            enabled: Yes;
                         file group: staff, developers;
                         file owner: pgupta, dbinder;
                              group: Default;
                               type: NSR migration;

       A resource to define an  HSM  client,  called  elantra,  migrating  and
       recalling  files  owned  by the user "pgupta" in all filesystems except
       for /, /usr, and /var (and /opt on solaris), to  the  NetWorker  server
                             client: elantra;
                          directive: Unix with compression directives ;
                            enabled: Yes;
                         file group:;
                         file owner:;
                              group: Default ;
                high water mark (%): 90;
                   last access time:;
                 low water mark (%): 60;
             minimum file size (KB): 10;
                               name: "elantra:All";
                           save set: All;
                               type: NSR migration;


       nsr(5), nsr_directive(5), nsr_group(5), savegrp(1), savefs(1), 
       nsrpmig(1), nsrmig(1), nsrhsmck(1), nsradmin(1), nsrexecd(1), nwadmin(1)


Legato NetWorker 7.x

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