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  nsr (1)
  nsr (5)
   - Windows Only


nsr_crash - How to recover from a disaster with NetWorker


       NetWorker  can be used to recover from all types of system and hardware
       failures that result in loss of files.

       When a NetWorker client has lost files, the recover command can be used
       to  browse, select, and recover individual files, selected directories,
       or whole filesystems.  If the NetWorker recover command is lost or dam-
       aged,  it will have to be copied either from a NetWorker client or from
       the NetWorker distribution media.

       When recovering a large number of files onto a filesystem that was only
       partially  damaged,  you may not want to overwrite existing versions of
       files.  To do this, wait until recover asks for user  input  to  decide
       how to handle recovering an existing file.  You can then answer N mean-
       ing 'always no' to cause recover to avoid  overwriting  any  existing
       files,  or  n  if you want to protect this file but you want recover to
       ask again on other files.

       If you do want to replace the existing version of  a  file  or  set  of
       files  with  the  saved versions, answer Y or y when recover asks if it
       should overwrite existing files (Y  means  'always  yes'  for  future
       overwrite cases; y means just overwrite this one file).

       For  more  information on using the recover command, see the recover(1)
       manual page.

       If the NetWorker server daemons or commands are lost, it may be  neces-
       sary  to  re-install  the server from the NetWorker distribution media.
       Once the NetWorker server is installed and  the  daemons  are  running,
       other  NetWorker  server  files can be recovered using the recover com-
       mand.  When re-installing NetWorker you must be  sure  to  install  the
       /nsr  directory  in  exactly  the  same  place  as  it  was  originally
       installed.  The machine used to recover files may be different that the
       one  used  to save the files, but it must have the same hostname as the
       original machine.  Recovery of the NetWorker server and client  indexes
       requires  that  the  destination machine be of the same kind as the one
       used to save the indexes.

       If the NetWorker server's media database is lost, it will be  necessary
       to  recover  the  bootstrap from media.  mmrecov recovers the bootstrap
       which contains the media database and  the  NetWorker  server  resource
       files.   Since the resource files cannot be restored on top of the ones
       the NetWorker server is using, it is necessary to shut down  NetWorker,
       rename  the  recovered resource files, and restart NetWorker.  The save
       set identifier and other information about the bootstrap  save  set  is
       printed  by  savegrp at the end of each scheduled save.  It can also be
       displayed using mminfo -B or scanner -B.

       See the savegrp(1),  mminfo(1),  and  scanner(1)  man  pages  for  more

       If  the index of any NetWorker server or client is lost, the index must
       volumes to recover the index to the latest time.  See the nsrck (1) man
       page for more details.

       To  summarize,  these  are the steps you must do to recover your server
       after mmrecov completes.

       1.     Shut down your NetWorker server (nsr_shutdown -a).  For Windows,
              you would stop the NetWorker services.

       2.     Change  to the /nsr directory (cd /nsr).  For Windows, cd to the
              install location (default C:\Program Files\nsr).

       3.     Save the temporary resource directory  created  when  you  rein-
              stalled  the  NetWorker  server (mv res res.save).  For Windows,
              use "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer" to rename the res direc-
              tory to res.save.

       4.     Move the recovered resource directory into place (mv res.R res).
              For Windows, use "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer"  to  rename
              the res.R directory to res.

       5.     Restart the NetWorker daemons on the Server by running the plat-
              form  dependent  startup  script.  Eg.,  on  Solaris,  this   is
              "/etc/init.d/networker start".  For Windows, you would start the
              NetWorker services.

       6.     After verifying that the recovered resources are  valid,  remove
              the  temporary  resource  directory  (rm -r /nsr/res.save).  For
              Windows, use "My Computer" or "Windows  Explorer"  to  send  the
              res.save directory to the recycle bin.

       7.     Recover your server and client indexes (nsrck -L7).

       NOTE: The  mmrecov  command  is  only  used  to  recover  the NetWorker
             server's media database and resource files.  Use nsrck to recover
             the server and client indexes.

       Once  the media database and server resource files have been recovered,
       you may recover any of your server or client indexes in any order.   It
       is  not  necessary  to recover the server's index before recovering the
       clients' indexes.  Moreover, if your clients have the NetWorker  client
       installed,  you  may  run  on-demand and scheduled saves once the media
       database and server resource files have been recovered.   However,  you
       will not be able to browse the saves for a client until you recover the
       client's file index.  You may use save set  recover  to  recover  files
       before a client's file index has been recovered.

       See the recover(1) man page for details on running recover by save set.

       If the server is damaged so badly that it will not run at all, you will
       need  to  follow  the manufacturer's instructions for re-installing and
       rebooting a multiuser system.  Once you have the system up and  running
       in  multiuser  mode, you can re-install NetWorker (that is extract Net-
       Worker from the distribution media and install  it,  using  nsr_ize(1),
       pkgadd(1M),  or  any  other installation utility depending on your sys-
       tem), use mmrecov to recover the media database and resource files, and
       use  nsrck  to  rebuild  the  on-line  indexes  for the server and each
       client.  Finally, you will  want  to  recover  files  which  previously
       mmrecov(1), scanner(1)


Legato NetWorker 7.x

Man(1) output converted with man2html, sed, awk


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