Legato NetWorker Commands Index:
nsr (1)
nsr (5)
* - Windows Only
* mt
* nsrlpr
* nsrperf
nsr_device - NetWorker resource type "NSR device"SYNOPSIS
type: NSR device
Each storage device used by a NetWorker server is described by a single resource of type NSR device. See nsr_resource(5) for information on NetWorker resources. To edit the NSR device resources run: nsradmin -c "type:NSR device" Be sure to include quotation marks and to insert a space between "NSR" and "device". See nsradmin(1) for information on using the NetWorker administration program. The mounting and unmounting of individual vol- umes (tapes or disks) is performed using the nsrmm(1), nsrjb(1), and nwadmin(1) commands.
The following attributes are defined for resource type NSR device. The information in parentheses describes how the attribute values are accessed. Read-only indicates that the value cannot be changed by an administrator. Read/write indicates a value that can be set as well as read. Hidden indicates a hidden attribute of interest only to programs or experts. These attributes can only be seen when the hidden option is turned on in nsradmin(1), or if the Details View option is selected in the Media Devices window in nwadmin(1). Static attributes change values rarely, if ever. Dynamic attributes have values that change rapidly. For example, an attribute marked (read-only, static) has a value that is set when the attribute is created and never changes. name (read-only, static) This attribute specifies the path name of the device. Only non- rewinding tape devices are supported. For systems that support "Berkeley style" tape positioning, use the BSD tape device name. The name given to Optical disks is typically the name given to the "c" partition of the raw device. A logical device type has been defined to facilitate interaction with external media management services. When interacting with external media management services, the device name may be determined by the media management service associated with the device where a volume is loaded. The logical device is used to define a NetWorker device resource. The number of device resources that can exist is limited by the number of volumes managed by the service that NetWorker may access simultaneously. The name given to a logical device is not related to any spe- cific device, but is required to be a unique name for the device. For logical devices, both the media type and the family are set to logical. The name, type, and family are determined after the media management service has loaded a volume into a device in response to a request made by NetWorker. The name, type, and family of the actual device are then stored in the attributes logical name, logical type, and logical family, respectively. The association between the logical device and the actual device only exists when the volume is loaded into the device and allocated for use by NetWorker. comment (read/write) This attribute is provided for the administrator to keep any explanatory remarks or supplementary information about the device. description (read/write) This attribute is used to store a brief description about the device. The description is used to help administrators identify the device, and it can be in any format. Example: description: DLT8000 tape drive in Engineering Lab rack #2; message (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute specifies the last message received from the Net- Worker server regarding this device. The values for this attribute may include information on the progress or rate of the operation. Example: message: "Tape full, mount volume mars.017 on /dev/nrst8"; volume name (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute monitors the mounting and unmounting of volumes for a device. When a volume is mounted, the value is the volume name, otherwise there is no value. Example: volume name: mars.017; media family (read-only, static, hidden) This attribute describes the class of storage media, as deter- mined from the media type. The only legal values are: tape - tape storage device; disk - disk storage device; logical - used when interacting with an external media management service. Example: media family: tape; media type (read-only, static) This attribute indicates the type of media a device uses. The media type varies depending on the operating system/platform (See the online NetWorker Hardware Compatibility Guide, which is referenced in the NetWorker Administration Guide in the Device and Media Management chapter, for a comprehensive list of media types supported on your platform.). Potential values, their meaning, and default capacities are: 4mm - 4mm digital audio tape (1 GB); 8mm - 8mm video tape (2 GB); 8mm 5GB - 8mm video tape (5 GB); adv_file - advanced file type device, standard UNIX file system is supported; dlt - digi- tal linear tape cartridge (10 GB); vhs - VHS data grade video tape (14 GB); 3480 - high-speed cartridge tape (200 MB); qic - quarter inch data cartridge (150 MB); himt - half inch magnetic tape (100 MB); tk50 - DEC TK50 cartridge tape (94 MB); tk70 - DEC TK70 cartridge tape (296 MB); optical - optical disks, Write Once Read Many (WORM), Erasable Optical Disks (EOD), or standard UNIX files are supported; file - file type device, standard UNIX file system is supported; logical - used when interacting with an external media management service. Example: media type: 8mm 5GB; enabled (read-write) This attribute indicates whether a device is available for use. save or recover operations. This state is used to reserve a device for maintenance. The device can be used for administra- tive purposes such as volume verification, labeling or invento- ries if the device is selected using the -f option. A device set in Service mode can not be used for save or recover opera- tions. If the device is set to Service while the device is in use, all current sessions will be allowed to complete normally, but no new sessions will be assigned to the device. If the device is a jukebox device, the device will be unloaded after the sessions have completed. Example: enabled: yes; shared devices (read-write, hidden) This attribute enables, disables or service modes all devices that have the same value for their hardware id attribute, and so are sharing the same physical drive. Possible values are enable all, disable all, service all or done. After the value is set to either enable all, disable all or service all and the action is performed, the value will be reset to done. The action will enable, disable or service mode as many devices as it can, regardless of any error conditions. For example, it is not pos- sible to disable a device that has a mounted volume. So when this attribute is set to disable all, as many devices as possi- ble will be disabled, excluding those with mounted volumes. For such cases, an error message will be logged. Example: shared devices: done; write enabled (read/write, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates whether writing to the current volume is allowed. The value for this attribute may be set to yes or no. This value can only be set when a volume is not mounted. Example: write enabled: no; read only (read-write) This attribute indicates whether a device is reserved for read- only operations, such as recover or retrieve. The value for this attribute can be either yes or no. If the value is set to yes, only read operations are permitted on the device. This value cannot be changed if a volume is mounted. Example: read-only: yes; target sessions (read/write) This attribute indicates the target number of sessions that will write to a device. When all devices on a host have the same value for this attribute, sessions are assigned to a device, until the device's target sessions is reached; then sessions are assigned to the next device on the host. Once all devices have reached their target sessions, new sessions are assigned equally across all devices. When this attribute has different values for devices on a host, and the nsrmmd(1) has not yet been assigned to a device, then sessions are assigned to an nsrmmd(1) based on the lowest attribute value among the host's devices. Once the nsrmmd(1) is assigned to a device, the target sessions value for the assigned device is used. Use higher values to multiplex more clients onto each tape. This attribute is not a maximum number for a device, but is used for load-balancing. volume default capacity (read/write, static, hidden) This attribute is used by the Label operation when the volume current capacity attribute is blank. To override the volume default capacity associated with the media type, you must enter a specific value, such as 1 or greater. The value of this attribute must end with K, M, or G, where K represents kilo- bytes, M represents megabytes, and G represents gigabytes. The actual capacity written to the volume may be slightly lesser or greater than the value specified. This hidden attribute can be modified by a user, and can be used to override default sizes when using devices (and/or tapes) with different capacities than the defaults. Example: To override the default capacity of a tape drive to 10 Gb for all future volume label operations, set the value as fol- lows: volume default capacity: 10G; volume current capacity (read/write, dynamic, hidden) If the attribute's value is non-blank, it determines the capac- ity of a volume during the Label operation. Its format is the same as volume default capacity. Example: volume current capacity: 5G; volume expiration (read/write, dynamic, hidden) This attribute is set by the Verify label operation and can also be used by the Label operation. The value for this attribute is specified in nsr_getdate(3) format. A blank value causes the default expiration to be used during labeling. Example: volume expiration: next year; volume pool (read/write, hidden) This attribute indicates the pool that a mounted volume belongs to. This attribute can be set right after a device has been created and prior to a volume has been labeled to specify or display the default pool selection for the Label operation. If this attribute is set during a Label or Label without mount operation, this value will indicate the pool a volume is being assigned to. In order to change the volume pool assignment, Label operation must be performed by specifying a different pool. Manual updates to this attribute in Devices resource has no effect on the pool assignment. See nsr_pool(5) for more information on volume pools. Example: volume pool: myPool; volume flags (read/write, hidden) This attribute displays the new flags for the volume being oper- ated on. This attribute is used during "Label" or "Label with- out mount" operations. volume operation (read/write, dynamic, hidden) The volume operation attribute manipulates the media (volume) currently located inside the device. This attribute can be set to one of the following values: Unmount, Mount, Verify label, Verify write time, Label, Label without mount, Eject, or Monitor device. Each of these operations may require parameters to be set. When the value is Unmount, NetWorker releases the device. The Unmount operation is asynchronous. tion, and volume write time are set. The Verify write time oper- ation is synchronous, and therefore the operation may take a long time to complete. When the value is Label or Label without mount, the volume receives a new label as determined by the attributes below. When the value is Label, the volume is then mounted. These operations are asynchronous. When the value is Eject, NetWorker ejects the volume from the device. The Eject operation is asynchronous. When the value is Monitor device and the device is idle (no vol- ume loaded into the device), NetWorker will periodically check the device to determine whether a volume has been loaded into the device. When a volume containing a readable NetWorker label is loaded, the volume is placed into the NetWorker media database. The volume can then be written to by NetWorker if the volume is mounted with write permissions turned on; otherwise, the volume is mounted as read-only, and cannot be written to by NetWorker. When a volume without a readable NetWorker label is loaded into the device, the device's unlabeled volume loaded attribute is set to yes, and the volume may be labeled at a later date. The Monitor device operation is never performed on jukebox devices, because NetWorker only monitors non-jukebox devices. volume write time (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the time that a save set was first written to the volume. volume error number (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the last error number reported for this device. This is a numeric value encoded with the source, sever- ity and the actual error number. Processes check for this value only on error in a media operation when the media operation is known to update this field, e.g., a label verify. The error num- ber is not reset on a successful media operation, so it is not an indication of the status of the last media operation, but just the last error number reported for this device. volume block size (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the block size of the currently mounted volume. volume id (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the volume id for the currently mounted volume. long volume id (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the volume id for the currently mounted volume in the long globally unique format. accesses (read-only, hidden) This attribute indicates the total number of operations per- formed on the device since it was configured as a NetWorker device. Changes to this attribute are propagated to all devices that have the same hardware id value. access weight (read/write, hidden) This attribute indicates the weight of a single operation per- This attribute indicates the current number of consecutive errors on a device. Changes to this attribute are propagated to all devices that have the same hardware id value. max consecutive errors (read/write, hidden) This attribute indicates the maximum number of consecutive errors allowed before disabling the device. Changes to this attribute are propagated to all devices that have the same hard- ware id value. operation arg (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates extra parameters to be used during device operations. Parameters are packed into a string and parsed by the associated operation's function. volume message (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the result of the last volume opera- tion. event tag (read/write, single number, hidden) This attribute contains the tag (unique identifier) of the last notification event sent to the nsrd (1) daemon. The tag is used to clear the previous event. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. NSR operation (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the current operation being performed by a device. The valid values for this attribute are: Idle, Write, Read, Eject, Verify label, or Label. Example: NSR operation: Write; minor mode (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the current state of a device. The NSR operation attribute is the major mode. The valid values for this attribute are: idle, reading, writing, rewinding, moving forward, moving backward, error, done, writing eof, or finding eom. Example: minor mode: moving forward; jukebox device (read/write, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates the media device that is part of a jukebox device. This value can be either yes or no. statistics (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute reports the statistics for the operation of this device. The statistics include: the time of operation ("elapsed"), the number of errors ("errors"), the last writing rate ("last rate"), the maximum number of concurrent clients ("max clients"), the number of file marks written ("file marks"), the number of rewinds ("rewinds"), the number of files skipped ("files skipped"), the number of records skipped ("records skipped"), the current file number ("current file"), the current record number ("current record"), the relative number of files being spaced over ("seek files"), the relative number of records being spaced over ("seek records"), the total estimated amount read/written on the vol- ume, in KB ("estimated KB", to be implemented in a future of this attribute changes from yes to no and the value of date last cleaned attribute is not updated, then the date last cleaned attribute is set to the current time. NetWorker might set this attribute to yes if, at the time the device is next scheduled to be cleaned, it is not available to be cleaned. In this case, the following message is displayed: device cleaning required. This message indicates that the device needs to be cleaned. This attribute can only be used for a device whose media family is tape and jukebox device is yes. For all other devices, the value of this attribute is always no. cleaning interval (read/write) This attribute indicates the amount of time from the date last cleaned until the next scheduled cleaning for the device. This value can be specified in days, weeks, or months. One day, week, or month is implied if a number is not specified. If this attribute is set and date last cleaned is blank, date last cleaned is set to the current time. This attribute may only be used for a device whose media family is tape and jukebox device is yes. Example: cleaning interval: 2 weeks; date last cleaned (read/write) This attribute indicates the time and day a device was last cleaned. Input may be in any format acceptable to nsr_getdate(3). Some values acceptable to nsr_getdate(3) are relative, for example, now. For that reason all input is converted into ctime(3) format, weekday, month, day, time, year. As noted in the description of cleaning required and cleaning interval , the value of this attribute might be set automatically by NetWorker. This attribute can only be used for a device whose media family is tape auto media management (read-write) This attribute indicates whether "automated media management" is enabled for a device. For jukebox devices this value is always no. See nsr_jukebox(5) for a description of auto media manage- ment for a jukebox. For non-jukebox devices, this value can be either yes or no. If this value is set to yes, then any recy- clable volumes loaded into the device might be automatically re- labeled by NetWorker for re-use, and unlabeled volumes loaded into the device can be automatically labeled. When NetWorker is labeling a volume that is not expected to have a valid NetWorker label, it verifies that the volume is unlabeled before labeling the volume. A volume is considered to be unlabeled if the vol- ume does not contain a label that may be read by this device. Note: If a volume contains a label, but the label is written at a density that cannot be read by the associated device, the vol- ume is considered to be unlabeled. If the volume contains data written by an application other than NetWorker, it most likely does not have a label recognizable by NetWorker, and the volume is considered to be unlabeled. With this attribute enabled, care should be taken when loading any volume considered to be unlabeled or recyclable into the device. The volume might be re-labeled and the data previously on the volume over-written by NetWorker. When this attribute is set to yes for a device, and the device is idle (no tape loaded into the device), NetWorker will monitor resource has been created. The resource must be deleted and recreated if the user needs to change this attribute for this device. The same username (remote user attribute) and password should be configured in the device resource as they are config- ured for the NDMP server. Example: NDMP: yes; dedicated storage node (read-write) The value for this attribute can be either yes or no. The value of this attribute determines whether a storage node is a dedi- cated storage node. A dedicated storage node can only back up its local data. All devices on a storage node must have the same value for this attribute. When a device is created or the value of this attribute is modified, the value of this attribute is propagated to all other devices on the storage node. Example: dedicated storage node: yes; remote user (read/write, string) This attribute is used when the NDMP attribute is set to a value of yes. The value entered for this attribute should be the username configured for the NDMP server. This attribute is also used when creating an adv_file device of a network drive on Win- dows storage node. Specify remote user attribute as the user name for the Windows storage node (nsrmmd) to connect to the network drive. Example: remote user: root; password (read/write, encrypted) This attribute is used in conjunction with the remote user attribute to configure access to a NDMP server. This attribute is also used in conjunction with the remote user attribute to connect to an adv_file device of a network drive on Windows storage node. Example: password: ; unlabeled volume loaded (read-only, dynamic, hidden) This attribute indicates whether a volume loaded into the device has a readable NetWorker volume label. This value can be either yes or no. This attribute is set to yes when NetWorker is moni- toring the device, a volume is loaded into the device, and the volume does not have a valid NetWorker label that can be read by this device. This attribute is set to no when the volume in the device is labeled or ejected from the device. logical name (read-only, hidden, no create) This attribute indicates the name of the actual device associ- ated with the logical device. This attribute is only used for logical devices. Example: logical name: /dev/rmt/0hbn; logical family (read-only, hidden, no create) This attribute indicates the family of the actual device cur- rently associated with the logical device. The values that can be associated with this attribute are the values that are valid for the media family attribute. The only exception is that the value of this attribute cannot be set to logical. This attribute is only used for logical devices. Example: logical family: tape; Example: logical type: 8mm 5GB; connection process id (read-only, hidden, no create) This attribute indicates the process identifier maintaining the connection with an external media management service. External media management services often require a connection to be maintained while an application is using allocated resources. If the connection is not maintained, the service may attempt to reclaim any resources allocated to an application. This may include unloading a volume currently mounted into a device. Therefore, while NetWorker has a volume mounted into a device being managed by such a service, a process must maintain an open connection with the media management service. connection message (read-only, hidden, no create) This attribute records any error message(s) reported upon exit by a process maintaining a connection with an external media management service. connection status (read-only, hidden, no create) This attribute records the exit status reported by a process maintaining a connection with an external media management ser- vice. A status of zero indicates that the process exited suc- cessfully. A non-zero status indicates an error occurred while the process was exiting. hardware id (read/write) This attribute represents the unique identification of a shared physical drive, which can be accessed by multiple device resources. Each device resource that shares the same physical drive must have the same value for this attribute. It can only be updated when the device is disabled and not within a jukebox resource. When a value is defined for this attribute, corre- sponding device messages will contain a number that uniquely represents the hardware id attribute, and will be visible in administrator commands, such as nwadmin(1) and nsrwatch(1). This number identifies the devices that share the same physical drive. save mount timeout (read/write, hidden, no create) This attribute indicates the timeout value for an initial save mount request for the storage node on which a device is located. If the request is not satisfied within the indicated time, the storage node will be locked from receiving save processes for the "save lockout" time. See nsr_storage_node(5) for a descrip- tion of storage nodes. This attribute can be used for local devices as well, but "save lockout" cannot be changed from its default value of zero. Hence, local devices cannot be locked out from save requests. save lockout (read/write, hidden, no create) This attribute indicates the number of minutes a storage node will be locked from receiving save assignments after it reaches the save mount timeout time during a save mount request. A value of zero indicates that the node will not be locked. This attribute cannot be changed for local devices. CDI (read-write, no create) Not used essentially turns off the use of CDI. SCSI commands NetWorker will use the CDI interface to send explicit SCSI commands to tape drives. This allows the best control of and status collection from a device and is the default for SCSI or SCSI-like tape drives directly under NetWorker's control. Example: CDI: SCSI commands; device block size (read-write, single number, hidden) This attribute allows you to override the device's default block size on a per-device basis. Allowable values are handler default (the default setting for this attribute), 32kB, 64kB, 96kB, 128kB, 160kB, 192kB, 224kB, 256kB, 384kB, 512kB, 640kB, 768kB, 896kB, and 1024kB. Note that the block size for a Net- Worker volume is set when the volume is labeled, so a change to this attribute will not have any effect until a volume is recy- cled. Also, resetting this attribute to handler default will not have any effect until the nsrmmd daemon for this device is restarted. Also, hardware platform limitations may result in the use of a block size smaller than that selected in this attribute, as some SCSI adapters or adapter drivers place limits on the maximum size of a SCSI transfer. These limits are usually silently enforced by NetWorker. device file size (read-write, single number, hidden) This attribute allows you to override the default tape file size used by NetWorker for this device. The file size is the number of blocks (tape records) that NetWorker will write before writ- ing a filemark to the tape. Allowable values are between 100 and 3,000,000. device load time (read-write, single number, hidden) This attribute allows you to override the default load time used by NetWorker for this device. The load time is the number of seconds that NetWorker will continue trying to open a tape device after loading it into a tape drive. Allowed values are between 10 and 900 seconds. This attribute is only used when CDI is set to Not used. device eject time (read-write, single number, hidden) This attribute allows you to override the default tape eject time used by NetWorker for this device. The eject time is the number of seconds that NetWorker will wait for a tape drive to eject a tape before trying to remove the tape from the drive. Allowed values are between 30 and 900 seconds. device poll interval (read-write, single number, hidden) This attribute allows you to override the default tape polling interval used by NetWorker for this device. The polling inter- val is the number of seconds that NetWorker will wait between successive attempts to determine whether a tape drive is ready that is not yet ready takes a very long time to fail. Allowable values are between 2 and 120. This attribute is only used when CDI is set to Not used. device tape flags (read-write, hidden) This attribute allows you to override the default flags used by NetWorker for this device. The flags are settings that control major aspects of how NetWorker interacts with a device. Allow- able values are TAPE, NOEOM, PHYSREC, SIZED, NOBSF, FILE, FILESYS, 32K, separated with either spaces or an 'or' symbol (|), and possibly preceded by an 'or' symbol (|). WARNING: You should only use this attribute if you have been instructed to by Legato Technical Support, as misuse can cause the loss of data on any tapes that get loaded into the drive when this attribute is set to anything other than the default empty value. device default capacity (read-write, single number, hidden) This attribute allows you to override the default capacity used by NetWorker for this device. The default capacity is a typical value for the uncompressed storage capacity for drives of a given device type, and does not take different tape sizes or compression methods into account. It is only used for rough informational purposes and has no effect whatever on the amount of data that NetWorker will write to a tape. This attribute is only used when CDI is set to Not used. TapeAlert Critical (read-write, no create) This attribute stores a list of any Critical TapeAlert flags that may have been collected from a tape drive during opera- tions. Critical flags are those that might result in data loss. Often, these will require user intervention to resolve. There are several Critical flags that will automatically be cleared by NetWorker when the particular flag no longer pertains to the drive. (The actual TapeAlert flag number is in parenthe- ses after the flag name): Media (4) unrecoverable read, write or positioning error caused by tape Write protect (9) Attempt to write to a write-protected tape Recoverable snapped tape (13) tape has snapped in a drive where the tape can be ejected Forced eject (16) The tape was manually ejected from the drive Clean now (20) The tape drive needs to be cleaned Note that all of the TapeAlert attributes really should be TapeAlert Warning (read-write, no create) This attribute stores a list of any Warning TapeAlert flags that may have been collected from a tape drive during operations. Warning flags are those that do not indicate the immediate dan- ger of data loss, but do represent some aspect of device opera- tion that may lead to data loss in the future. There are several Warning flags that will automatically be cleared by NetWorker: Read warning (1) The drive is having problems reading from the tape. No data has been lost but performance may suffer Clean periodic (21) The drive is due for routine cleaning TapeAlert Information (read-write, no create) This attribute stores a list of any Information TapeAlert flags that may have been collected from a tape drive during opera- tions. Information flags represent occurrences that should be noted but which will not lead to loss of data. There are several Information flags that will automatically be cleared by NetWorker: No removal (10) An attempt was made to eject a tape when the drive was in use Cleaning media (11) The tape in the drive is a cleaning tape and cannot be used for data Unsupported format (12) The tape in the drive is a format that is not supported by the drive Nearing media life (19) The tape cartridge is nearing the end of its specified life autodetect id (read/write, hidden) This attribute is for identifying auto-detected devices. It is used by NetWorker programs only, and should not be changed manu- ally by the administrator.
A complete example follows: type: NSR device; name: /dev/nrst8; message: writing, done volume name: mars.017; media family: tape; media type: 8mm 5GB; volume current capacity: 5000 MB; volume expiration: "Thu Sep 21 17:23:37 1996"; volume pool: Default; volume flags: ; volume operation: ; volume write time: ; volume block size: 32 KB; volume id: 32449; accesses: 199; access weight: 1; consecutive errors: 0; max consecutive errors: 20; operation arg: ; volume message: ; NSR operation: ; minor mode: idle; jukebox device: Yes; statistics: elapsed = 257572, errors = 0, last rate = 397, max clients = 3, file marks = 22, rewinds = 4, files skipped = 1976, records skipped = 0, current file = 2389, current record = 162, seek files = 0, seek records = 0, estimated kb = 0, amount kb = 6273, file amount kb = 6273, sessions = 1; cleaning required: No; cleaning interval: 2 weeks; date last cleaned: "Tue Apr 11 15:10:32 1995"; auto media management: No; unlabeled volume loaded: No; logical name: ; logical type: ; logical family: ; connection process id: ; connection message: ; connection status: ; hardware id: ; save mount timeout: 30; save lockout: 0; CDI: SCSI commands;
device block size: handler default;
device default capacity: 20GB; device eject time:; device file size:; device load time: 120; device min load tries:; device poll interval:; device tape flags:; TapeAlert Critical: Media, Cleaning; TapeAlert Information: Read warning; TapeAlert Warning: Cleaning media;
/nsr/res/nsrdb - files in this directory should never be edited directly. Use nsrmm(1), nsradmin(1), or nwadmin(1) instead.
Legato NetWorker 7.xMan(1) output converted with man2html, sed, awk