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nsr_archive_request - NetWorker resource type 'NSR archive request'


       type: NSR archive request


       Each  NSR archive request is described by a single resource of type NSR
       archive request (see nsr_resource(5)).  To edit the NSR archive request
       resources for a NetWorker server type:

              nsradmin -c "type:NSR archive request"

       See  the nsradmin(1) manual page for more information on using the Net-
       Worker administration program.  The archive request resource  may  also
       be edited using the nwadmin(1) command.

       This resource allows administrators to set up an archive to occur later
       or to set up frequent archives of a set of data.  The administrator can
       run  an  archive  on  a specified client within the next 24 hours.  The
       archive is executed via the nsralist(1)) command.


       The following attributes are defined  for  resource  type  NSR  archive
       request.   The  information  in parentheses describes how the attribute
       values are accessed.  Read-only indicates  that  the  value  cannot  be
       changed  by an administrator.  Read/write means the value can be set as
       well as read.  Hidden means it is an attribute of interest only to pro-
       grams  or  experts.  Hidden attributes can only be seen when the hidden
       option is turned on in nsradmin(1) or by  selecting  the  details  Menu
       Item  in  the  View Menu for a particular window in nwadmin(1).  Choice
       means that the value of the attribute can only be one from a list  spe-
       cific  to that attribute (for example, status can be start now or start
       later).   Dynamic  attributes  have  values   which   change   rapidly.
       Encrypted attributes contain data that is not displayed in its original
       form.  The assumption is that the data is sensitive in nature and needs
       to   be  protected  from  accidental  disclosure.   Several  additional
       attributes (for example, administrator) are common  to  all  resources,
       and are described in nsr_resource(5).

       comment        (read/write)
              This  attribute  is  provided  for the administrator to keep any
              explanatory  remarks  or  supplementary  information  about  the
              archive request.

       annotation     (read/write)
              This  attribute contains the annotation text associated with the
              archive save set generated from this archive request.
              Example: annotation: Product Release 4.1;

       archive clone pool  (read/write)
              This attribute  indicates  the  archive  clone  media  pool  the
              archive  request  should  use  when cloning the archive save set
              generated by this archive request.
              Example: archive clone pool: Archive clone;
              This attribute can be used to override  the  normal  media  pool
              selection  applied  to  the  archive save set generated from the
              archive request.  Selecting a pool will direct  the  archive  to
              that media pool.
              Example: archive pool: Archive;

       client         (read/write)
              This  attribute  indicates  what  NetWorker  archive  client the
              archive request is to be executed on.
              Example: client: neptune;

       clone          (read/write)
              This attribute controls whether the archive save  set  generated
              by  the archive request is to be cloned.  A value of Yes implies
              the archive save set should be cloned.  A value of No  does  not
              imply cloning.
              Example: clone: No;

       cloned         (read/write, hidden)
              This attribute is unused.
              Example: cloned: No;

       completion time     (read/write, hidden)
              This  attribute  indicates  when  the archive request completed.
              The  format  is  "day-of-week  month  day  hours:minutes:seconds
              Example: "Thu Oct 22 17:00:37 1994";;

       directive (read/write)
              This  attribute  specifies the directive to use when running the
              archive.  The default value  is  nothing  selected.   The  valid
              choices  for  the  directive resource are names of the currently
              defined 'NSR directive' resources, see nsr_directive(5).
              Example: directive: Default with compression;

       grooming  (read/write)
              This attribute indicates any grooming actions to be  taken  once
              the  archive  save set generated by the archive request has been
              created, verified, and cloned.   A  value  of  none  implies  no
              action.   A  value  of  remove implies the files and directories
              specified in the save set attribute  will  be  removed  via  the
              rmdir(2) and unlink(2) system calls.
              Example: grooming: none;

       log       (read/write, hidden)
              This attribute contains any information pertaining to the execu-
              tion of the nsralist command.
              Example: log:; name      (read/write) This  attribute  specifies
              the name of this NetWorker archive request.
              Example: name: Product Source Tree;

       save set  (read/write)
              This  attribute  lists  the  path  names  to  be archived on the
              archive client.  The names should be separated by a comma and  a
              space (", ").
              Example: save set: /product/src, /accounting/db;

       start time     (read/write)
              No   value   implies  the  archive  request  is  not  scheduled.
              Selecting start now causes the archive request to be run immedi-
              ately.   Selecting  start later causes the archive request to be
              run at the time specified by the start time attribute.
              Example: status:;

       verified  (read/write, hidden)
              This attribute is unused.
              Example: verified: No;

       verify         (read/write, choice)
              This attribute indicates the archive request should  verify  the
              archive.   See nsr_archive(5) for more information on archiving.
              Selecting the Yes  choice  causes  the  verification  to  occur.
              Selecting the No choice will not cause any verification.  If the
              user also requests that the archive save set be cloned, the ver-
              ification  is done on the clone since the cloning operation will
              have verified the original archive save set.
              Example: verify: Yes;


       Note: the hidden options are not shown in this example.

       A resource to define an archive request, called Product:

                       type:  NSR archive request;
                       name:  Product Source;
                 annotation:  Product Release 3.0;
                     status:  Start later;
                 start time:  "2:00";
                     client:  space;
                   save set:  /product/source;
                  directive:  Default with compression;
               archive pool:  Archive;
                     verify:  Yes;
                      clone:  Yes;
         archive clone pool:  Archive Clone;
                   grooming:  none;
         archive completion:  mail -s Product Source Archive productteam;


       nsr(5), nsr_directive(5), nsr_resource(5), nsradmin(1), nwadmin(1),
       rmdir(2), unlink(2).


Legato NetWorker 7.x

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