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Legato NetWorker Commands Index:
  nsr (1)
  nsr (5)
   - Windows Only


nsrib - NetWorker index browser daemon nsriba - NetWorker index browser agent daemon


       nsrib [ -s server ] [ -t timeout ] [ -v ] [ -M ]
           [ -i # ] [ -C # ] [ -D # ] [ -R # ] [ -T rdir ] [ dir ]

       nsriba [ -s server ] [ -c client ] [ -p path ] [ -v ]
           [ -t browse_date ] [ -I index_type ] [ -N session_name ]
           [ -i # ] [ -C # ] [ -D # ] [ -R # ] [ -T rdir ] [ dir ]


       The nsrib (index browser) and nsriba (index browser agent) daemons pro-
       vide a convenient NFS interface in which  to  view  NetWorker  indexes.
       Using  nsrib  is  the preferred method as it will launch and manage the
       appropriate nsriba processes as needed.  The nsriba daemon gives you an
       NFS  filesystem  view  of a particular NetWorker client's index as of a
       given time. Also, it can be used  directly  for  situations  where  the
       flexibility  provided  by  nsrib is not required.  The nsrib and nsriba
       daemons appear to be an NFS server to the local kernel in a manner sim-
       ilar to automount(1m).

       The  nsrib daemon will interpret names referenced in dir without an '@'
       as a NetWorker client index to browse.  You can also construct names of
       the  form  client@date  to browse a particular index as of a particular
       time.  You can also use the name of the form @date to browse the  index
       for  the  local  machine.  The  date is interpreted as a nsr_getdate(3)
       style string after replacing any underscores (_) with a space  and  all
       dashes  (-)  with a slash (/).  When nsrib gets such a name request, it
       will launch and manage the appropriate nsriba process on a mount  point
       that  it  builds in dir automatically.  If the nsriba filesystem is not
       accessed within an appropriate interval, nsrib will attempt  an  umount
       of  the  nsriba filesystem.  If successful, the symbolic link and mount
       directory created in dir is removed.

       Below the dir/client@date directory for nsrib (or within the dir direc-
       tory  for nsriba), a read-only filesystem consisting of the entire Net-
       Worker index for the specified client can be seen.  At times,  a  local
       machine  may not have NetWorker recover access rights for the specified
       client. See nsr_client(5).  There may be no entries  in  the  NetWorker
       index  for  the specified client at the appropriate time.  In either of
       those cases, the directory will be empty (nsrib) or  the  command  will
       fail (nsriba).  The files and directories with in the nsriba filesystem
       will appear as normal UNIX files just as in recover(1), except that the
       access  time  (atime) of all files will be the "save time" of the file,
       not the access time of the file as stored in the index.   Thus  running
       ls  -lu  within  an nsriba directory will show all the file save times.
       If an file within an nsriba filesystem is read, then nsriba will either
       recover  the  file  and  then  return  the resultant file as needed, or
       return an NFSERR_OPNOTSUPP  ("Operation  not  supported")  error.   The
       actual  behavior  is  dependent  on the -R and -C flags and whether the
       file appears to be currently "online" to NetWorker.  If a file is to be
       recovered,  the actual operation may take a long time depending primar-
       these hidden directories names are never returned  for  function  calls
       such as readdir(3), programs such as find(1) that traverse the filesys-
       tem will never see these directories.  The files and directories within
       these hidden directories are built up using the NetWorker file location
       information.  The hidden directories  for  directories  can  either  be
       named  as  ".V"  within  the  directory  or as dirname.V from above the
       directory.  But when using nsrib, you can only  use  dir/client@date/.V
       to  see  all the versions for "/".  Files within the hidden directories
       can be read (recovered) as any other file within the nsriba filesystem.

       nsrib  and  nsriba must not be terminated with the SIGKILL signal (kill
       -9).  Without an opportunity to unmount itself and clean  up  properly,
       the  nsrib  and  nsriba  mount  points  appear  to the kernel as a non-
       responding NFS server.  The recommended way to terminate  an  nsrib  or
       nsriba  process  is  to send a SIGTERM (kill -15) signal to the daemon.
       When nsriba receives a SIGTERM signal, it attempts  to  unmount  itself
       and  exit if the unmount is successful (the filesystem is not currently
       busy).  When nsrib receives a SIGTERM signal, it attempts to signal any
       child  nsriba processes, that it started, to exit.  If all child nsriba
       processes exit, nsrib then attempts to unmount dir itself and exits  if
       the unmount is successful (the filesystem is not currently busy).


       Common nsrib and nsriba options:

       -s server   Indicates the NetWorker server to use.

       -i #        Specifies  "in place" mode if the corresponding file in the
                   system is a symlink whose target string has the filename at
                   the end.
                   0 - never do "in place" recovers
                   1  -  do  "in  place"  recovers only for exact matches with
                   names of "file@date"
                   2 - do "in place" recovers on any matching symlink target
                   Default value is 1.

       -v          Runs in verbose mode.  This should only be used for  debug-
                   ging purposes.

       -C #        Sets an upper limit on the number of concurrent file recov-
                   ers.  A value of 0 will disable all  recovers  (independent
                   of the -R value).  Default value is 2.

       -D #        Specifies  the  debug  level  for messages.  Using a number
                   from 1 - 3 to get various (reasonable)  levels  of  output.
                   When  running in a debugging mode, nsrib will not automati-
                   cally run itself in the background.  Default value is 0.

       -R #        Specifies recover mode on read.
                   0 - never recover the file on NFS read.
                   1 - recover the file on NFS read if "online".
                   2 - always attempt a recovery of a file on NFS read.
                   Default value is 2.

       -T rdir     Temporary  directory  to  use  to  cache  recovered  files.
                   Default value is "/usr/tmp/nsrib/Rtmp.client".

       The  -i, -s, -v, -C, -D, -R, and -T options to nsrib are passed through
                   (such as nsrexecd(1)), and should  not  run  in  the  back-

       The following options apply only to nsriba:

       -c client   Indicates the NetWorker client index name to browse.

       -p path     Indicates the NetWorker index path to browse.

       -t browse_date
                   Indicates a nsr_getdate(3) string giving the "browse as of"
                   time.  Default value is now.

       -I index_type
                   Indicats the type of index  that  is  being  browsed.   The
                   default is a backup index.

       -N session_name
                   Indicates the name to use to generate the NetWorker session
                   name.  Default value is the mount directory dir.


       These examples assume that nsrib has been started on the /ib directory.

       Finding files
              To find all versions of a file named foo that were owned by user
              last week, use this command.  Note that when using find(1),  you
              should  cd(2) to the directory first to avoid using the symbolic
              link instead of the resultant directory.

                     cd /ib/@last_week; find . -name foo -user user -ls

       Seeing saved versions
              To see all the saved versions of /var/adm/messages  for  a  Net-
              Worker  client  clientname, use this command. Note that by using
              the -u flag to ls(1), the file save times will be  displayed  in
              the ls date field.

                      ls -lu /ib/clientname/var/adm/messages.V

       Recovering files
              To  recover  /etc/fstab as of yesterday into the /tmp directory,
              use this command:

                      cp /ib/@yesterday/etc/fstab /tmp/fstab


       /etc/mtab   This is the file that is updated on SunOS  4.1.x  as  nsrib
                   and nsriba processes are mounted and umounted.

       /etc/mnttab This  is  the  file that is updated on Solaris 2.x as nsrib
                   and nsriba processes are mounted and umounted.

       /ib         This is the directory on which nsrib will mount itself.

                   This is the default file cache directory tree.

       lier.   In  particular,  if  a  volume on a pre-4.0 NetWorker server is
       marked to be at some location using  the  mmlocate(1)  command,  nsriba
       always performs as if the volume is "online".


       mount(2V),     umount(2V),     signal(3),    nsr_getdate(3),    nsr(5),
       nsr_client(5), automount(1), nsrindexd(1), nsrexecd(1), recover(1)


Legato NetWorker 7.x

Man(1) output converted with man2html, sed, awk


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