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nsr_jukebox - NetWorker resource type 'NSR jukebox'SYNOPSIS
type: NSR jukebox
Each jukebox known to NetWorker is described by a single resource of type NSR jukebox. A jukebox may also be used to keep track of the resources, volumes and devices, being managed by an external media man- agement service that are available to this NetWorker server. An example of an external media management service is OpenVault. This resource describes the physical characteristics of a jukebox. See nsr_resource(5). To edit the NSR jukebox resources for a NetWorker server, type: nsradmin -c "type:NSR jukebox" or use the nwadmin(1) GUI. See the nsradmin(1) manual page for more information on using the NetWorker administration program.
The following attributes are defined for resource type NSR jukebox. The information in parentheses describes how the attribute values are accessed. Create-only indicates that the value cannot be changed by an administrator, except when the resource is created. Read-only indi- cates that the value cannot be changed by an administrator. Read/write means the value can be set as well as read at any time. Choice list means that any number of values can be chosen from the given list. Yes/no means only a yes or no choice is possible. Single string means that only a single value is allowed. Number means that only numeric values are allowed. Static attributes change values rarely, if ever. Dynamic attributes have values which change rapidly. Hidden means it is an attribute of interest only to programs or experts, and these attributes can only be seen when the hidden option is turned on in nsradmin(1) (or the View Details menu pulldown in nwadmin(1)). For example, an attribute marked (read-only, dynamic) has a value which cannot be changed by the administrator but which may change each time it is retrieved from the NetWorker server due to underlying state changes. Several additional attributes (for example, administrator) are common to all resources, and are described in nsr_resource(5). name (create-only, single string) This attribute specifies the name of this jukebox. The value of this attribute may follow the "rd=hostname:" syntax of a remote device, when the jukebox is defined on a storage node. See nsr_storage_node(5) for additional detail on storage nodes. Example: name: Huntington; comment (read/write) This attribute is provided for the administrator to keep any explanatory remarks or supplementary information about the juke- box. description (read/write) This attribute is used to store a brief description about the jukebox. The description is used to help administrators identify This attribute specifies the first and last physical slot num- bers in the jukebox. The first slot number must be less than or equal to the last slot number. The numbers must also be speci- fied as two separate attribute values. For Silo Tape Libraries (STL), this attribute is equal to the number of volumes allocated to this NetWorker server, nsrjb(5) -a or -x. The number of physical slots changes as volumes are added or removed from the STL. Example: physical slots: 1, 54; control port (read/write, single string) This attribute specifies the path of the control port for the jukebox robotics. Control commands (load slot 47 into drive b, for example) are sent to the jukebox via the control port. For an STL, this attribute specifies the information required to set up a connection to the STL server. Form and contents of the attribute depend on the type of the STL, but most often it merely contains the hostname of STL server. The value of this attribute may follow the "rd=hostname:" syntax of a remote device, when the jukebox is defined on a storage node. See nsr_storage_node(5) for additional detail on storage nodes. Example: control port: scsidev@0.6.0; devices (read/write, list of strings) This attribute lists the device pathnames of the devices in the jukebox. Each entry that appears in this attribute must have a corresponding NSR device resource. Unless any of the drives are being shared by multiple device resources, there must be the same number of entries in the devices attribute as there are physical drives in the jukebox. In addition, they must be listed in the same order as they are physically installed in the jukebox. The entries are specified as separate attribute val- ues. Example: devices: /dev/rmt/0mbn, /dev/rmt/1mbn; This attribute is updated by jbedit when adding or deleting a shared device or a physical drive. number devices (read/write, single number, hidden) The number of configured devices in the jukebox. This value corresponds to the number of entries in the devices attribute. Example: number devices: 2; This attribute is incremented or decremented by jbedit depending on whether a device is being added to or deleted from the jukebox. number drives (read/write, single number, hidden) The number of unique physical drives configured in the jukebox. When multiple device resources share a physical drive, each drive is represented by a unique hardware id attribute, that is specified in all of the device resources sharing the same drive. Example: number drives: 2; This attribute is updated by jbedit when adding or deleting a idle device timeout (read/write, hidden) This attribute specifies the number of minutes to wait before unmounting a volume in an idle device. Setting this attribute's value to zero disables unmounting idle volumes. The function of this attribute only applies to SmartMedia jukeboxes, or silo and native jukeboxes with device sharing enabled. Example: idle device timeout: 10; SmartMedia update interval (read/write, hidden) This attribute specifies the number of hours between calls to update the SmartMedia server's database. The SmartMedia database contains information copied from the NetWorker media database. The information includes the pool to which a volume belongs, whether the volume is full, and so forth. This infor- mation is used by the SmartMedia server when selecting a volume for writing. Since this information may change over time, it is necessary to periodically make sure that the data replicated in the SmartMedia server's database is current. This attribute determines the time period between attempts to update the Smart- Media server's database. This attribute only applies to Smart- Media jukeboxes. Example: SmartMedia update interval: 12; write enabled (read/write, yes/no, hidden) This attribute indicates whether writing can be done to the mounted volume. This attribute is only used during a jukebox 'Load' operation. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: write enabled: Yes; bar code reader (read/write, yes/no) This attribute indicates whether NetWorker should use the bar- code label from the media if the jukebox has a barcode label reader. This should only be enabled if the jukebox has a bar- code label reader. Example: bar code reader: No; match bar code labels (read/write, yes/no) This attribute indicates whether NetWorker should use the bar- code label instead of a label template when labeling media vol- umes. This should only be enabled if the jukebox has a barcode label reader and the attribute "bar code reader" is enabled. Example: match bar code labels: No; volume expiration (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute specifies the expiration time of a volume cur- rently being labeled. For jukeboxes interacting with external media management services, this attribute specifies the minimum expiration time for the volume to be loaded. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. available slots (read/write, list of numbers) This attribute specifies the slots containing volumes available to automatically satisfy NetWorker requests for writable vol- umes. When automatically selecting a writable volume, nsrjb(1) When satisfying requests to mount a particular volume (that is, by its volume name) or slot, all of the volumes in the slots listed in physical slots can be used. This allows the jukebox to be partitioned, with saves restricted to a group of volumes while all of the volumes contained within the jukebox are acces- sible for recovers. Example: available slots: 1-10; enabler code (read-only, single string, hidden) This attribute lists the enabler code for the NSR license resource (see nsr_license(5)) corresponding to this jukebox resource. A jukebox cannot be used until a license enabler has been loaded to control that jukebox. Example: enabler code: 123456-123456-123456; enabled slots (read-only, single string, hidden) The value of this attribute is the number of slots enabled for this jukebox. This attribute's value is set by the server when an enabler code is loaded to the jukebox. Example: enabled slots: 8; operation (read/write, choice list, hidden) This attribute shows the operation currently being performed on the jukebox. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation: Load; operation message (read-only, single string, hidden) This attribute displays an error message after a jukebox opera- tion fails. Example: operation message: ; operation device (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute is used to pass the name of the device to which the current operation refers. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation device: /dev/rmt/0mbn; operation slots (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute is used to pass the slots on which the current operation will be performed. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation slots: 1-10; operation options (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute is used to pass the mode of the volume used when the current operation will be performed, nsrjb(5) -o option. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administra- tor. Example: operation options: manual; operation barcodes (read/write, list of strings, hidden) operation response (read/write, choice list, hidden) This attribute designates a default response to questions that may be asked while performing the operation. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation response: Yes; operation report mode (read/write, choice list, hidden) This attribute designates the amount of output generated during the execution of the operation. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation report mode: verbose; operation label state (read/write, choice list, hidden) This attribute designates whether a volume being labeled is to be recycled or is expected to be unlabeled. If a volume is to be recycled, it must already have a NetWorker label. You can recy- cle a volume while it is being mounted. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation label state: recycle; operation volume capacity (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute specifies the capacity of a volume being labeled. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administra- tor. Example: operation volume capacity: 10G; operation volume type (read/write, choice list, hidden) This attribute specifies types of volumes that may be considered when allocating a volume. It is only used when interacting with an external media management service. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation volume type: 8mm, dlt; operation ineligible (read/write, hidden) This attribute specifies volumes which are ineligible for the current operation. Only used when interacting with an external media management service. This attribute is used to pass infor- mation between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation ineligible: ; operation task (read/write, choice list, hidden) This attribute designates a secondary task or operation to be performed with the current operation. For example, choosing the mount after label task will cause the volume to be mounted after it has been labeled. Currently, this attribute is only used when interacting with an external media management service. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker tions. It maintains error messages for the last 32 simultaneous operations that failed for this jukebox. The instance of the operation that failed is stored with any error message generated by the operation. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. operation instance (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute designates an instance number to be associated with the operation. The instance must be unique for all current operations. The value used must be obtained from the operation next instance attribute. This attribute is used to pass infor- mation between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation instance: 3; operation next instance (read only, single string, hidden) This attribute designates an instance number to be associated with the next simultaneous operation. The value of this attribute should be applied to the next simultaneous operation request for this jukebox. This attribute is used to pass infor- mation between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation next instance: 3; operation instances (read only, hidden) This attribute reports the instance number of every simultaneous operation currently executing. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation instances: 1, 2; operation hostname (read only, single string, hidden) This attribute designates the name of the machine on which the operation is to be executed. This attribute is only used for those jukeboxes which support devices attached to multiple hosts. The host machine may be inferred from other attributes for the operation, such as operation device. If a device is specified, the operation will be executed on the host for the device. Otherwise the host will be inferred from the name of the jukebox, unless a value is specified for this attribute. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker pro- grams, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation hostname: host1; operation dev hostname (read only, single string, hidden) This attribute designates the name of the machine from which a device is to be selected for the operation. It applies to shared jukeboxes, which can have drives attached to multiple hosts. This attribute is used to pass information between Net- Worker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation dev hostname: host1; operation template (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute shows the template that the label operation will This attribute specifies the default volume pool to use when labeling. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation volume pool: NonFull; operation source pool (read/write, choice list, hidden) This attribute specifies the pool from which a volume may be selected when recycling a volume. This attribute is only sup- ported on jukeboxes for volumes being managed by an external media management package. This attribute is used to pass infor- mation between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation source pool: Default; operation uses left (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute sets the number of times a cleaning cartridge may be used. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: operation uses left: 12; volumes (read/write, list of strings, hidden) This attribute contains a list of resident volume names. The order corresponds to the slot number. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: volumes: mars.001, mars.002, mars.003, mars.004; volume ids (read/write, list of strings, hidden) Every volume labeled by NetWorker is assigned a volume identi- fier, often referred to as a volid. This attribute contains a list of volume identifiers for the resident volumes. The volume identifiers stored could be the new long volume ids or the older and shorter volume ids. The type of volume identifiers stored depends on whether the storage node on which the device belong- ing to the jukebox resides on, supports the new long volume id or not. The order corresponds to the slot number. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administra- tor. Example: volumes: 24198, 24199, 24200, 24197; volume cartridge ids (read/write, list of strings, hidden) Some jukeboxes track volumes that are managed by external media management services. There may be multiple volumes on the same media, for example, a volume on each side of an optical disk. This attribute is used to track the identifier for each car- tridge on which a volume resides. The order corresponds to the slot number. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. loaded volumes (read/write, list of strings, hidden) This attribute contains the names of the volumes currently Using the names specified in the previous devices attribute, mars.089 is loaded in '/dev/rmt/0mbn' and mars.003 is loaded in '/dev/rmt/1mbn'. loaded bar codes (read/write, list of strings, hidden) This attribute contains the barcodes of the loaded volumes, if the use of barcodes is enabled for the jukebox. The order is with respect to the devices attribute. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. This attribute is modified by jbedit when a device is added to or removed from the jukebox resource. Example: loaded barcodes: 12345, 67890; Using the names specified in the previous devices attribute, the volume with barcode 12345 is loaded in '/dev/rmt/0mbn' and the volume with barcode 67890 is loaded in '/dev/rmt/1mbn'. loaded slots (read/write, list of numbers, hidden) This attribute contains the slot numbers of the loaded volumes. The order is with respect to the devices attribute. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker pro- grams, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. This attribute is modified by jbedit when a device is added to or removed from the jukebox resource. Example: loaded slots: 48, 3; Using the names specified in the previous devices attribute, the volume in slot 48 is loaded in '/dev/rmt/0mbn' and the volume in slot 3 is loaded in '/dev/rmt/1mbn'. event tag (read/write, single number, hidden) This attribute contains the tag (unique identifier) of the last notification event sent to the nsrd(1) daemon. The tag is used by nsrjb(1) to clear the previous event. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: event tag: 6319962287; event message (read/write, single string, hidden) This attribute contains the text of the last notification event sent to the nsrd(1) daemon. The nsrjb(1) command will send a notification event to nsrd when operator intervention is needed before nsrjb can proceed. This attribute is used to pass infor- mation between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: event message: could not unload device /dev/rmt/1mbn into slot 4; messages (read/write, list of strings, hidden) This attribute contains a log of messages reflecting previous operations nsrjb(1) has done. Generally, an entry is made each time nsrjb is invoked and for each mechanical operation. Each entry is time stamped. This attribute is used to pass informa- tion between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manu- The minimum space may be specified as a number of gigabytes or megabytes. Either 'G' or 'g' may be used for gigabytes, 'M' or 'm' for megabytes. Example: minimum space: 7g; jukebox options (read-only, list of strings, hidden) This attribute contains a list of the options for this jukebox. This option is automatically set after jukebox creation. Example: jukebox options: two_sided; auto clean (read/write, yes/no) This attribute specifies whether automatic cleaning of devices in the the jukebox is enabled. Example: auto clean: Yes; cleaning slots (read/write, list of numbers) This attribute designates a range of slots in the jukebox that has been set aside for cleaning cartridges. A range may be a single slot number or a pair of slot numbers separated by a dash. If a pair of slot numbers is given, the first number of the pair must be less than or equal to the second. Only one range of slots may be set aside for cleaning cartridges. If auto clean is set to no, the value of cleaning slots is ignored and these slots may contain regular volumes. When auto clean is set to yes, the range of slots specified for this attribute are assumed to contain cleaning cartridges, and the range of slots specified by available slots and this attribute must not over- lap. For Silo Tape Libraries this attribute should not be changed directly. This attribute is automatically updated, when adding (nsrjb -U) or removing (nsrjb -x) cleaning cartridges. Example: cleaning slots: 9-10; default cleanings (read/write, single number) This attribute designates the number of uses assigned to a new cleaning cartridge during an inventory of a jukebox by nsrjb(1). A cleaning cartridge is considered to be new when a slot set aside for cleaning cartridges that was empty is discovered to be full during an inventory of a jukebox. Example: default cleanings: 12; auto media management (read-write) This attribute indicates whether automated media management for the jukebox is enabled. The value can be yes or no. If the value is set to yes, then unlabeled volumes in the jukebox may be automatically labeled by NetWorker. NetWorker verifies that the volume is unlabeled before labeling the volume. A volume is considered to be unlabeled if the volume does not contain a label that may be read by the device in the jukebox into which the volume is loaded. Note that if the volume contains a label, but the label is written at a density that cannot be read by the device the volume is considered to be unlabeled. If the volume contains data written by an application other than NetWorker, it most likely does not have a label recognizable by NetWorker and the volume is considered to be unlabeled. With this attribute This attribute lists the corresponding Silo device names of the devices listed in the devices attribute. If several device resources are sharing the same physical Silo drive, as indicated by a common hardware id value, this attribute will only have an entry for each of the physical drives. This attribute is only used for Silo Tape Libraries and is only defined on platforms which provide support for Silo Tape Libraries. STL interface lib (read/write, single string) The path name of the dynamically linked interface library. This attribute is only used for Silo Tape Libraries and is only defined on platforms which provide support for Silo Tape Libraries. Example: STL interface lib: /usr/lib/libstl.so.1; STL device sharing (read/write, single string) This attribute specifies how to handle device sharing. Device sharing means automatic, load dependent, device switching of devices in a Silo Tape Library between different hosts connected to the library. This feature can only be used if it is sup- ported by the STL interface lib. Possible values for this attribute are an empty string (device sharing disabled) or "perm-max", where perm and max are numbers with perm < max. perm is the number of devices, which can be reserved permanently, that is, do not have to be released, when not in use. max is the maximum of devices, which can be reserved. This attribute is only used for Silo Tape Libraries and is only defined on platforms which provide support for Silo Tape Libraries. Example: STL device sharing: 2-4; STL barcodes (read-only, list of strings, hidden) The barcodes of the volumes in the library, which are available for NetWorker. This attribute maintains the volume names used by the Silo Tape Libraries for the corresponding volumes in the volumes attribute. This attribute is only used for Silo Tape Libraries and OpenVault virtual jukeboxes. The attribute is only defined on platforms which provide support for Silo Tape Libraries or OpenVault. STL device reservation (read-only, list of strings, hidden) This list contains the reservation state of shared devices in a tape library. The possible states are "Yes" (device is reserved), "No" (device is not reserved) and "Error" (an error occurred during release of this device). The order of the reservation state matches the 'devices' attribute. This attribute is only used for Silo Tape Libraries with device shar- ing enabled and is only defined on platforms which provide sup- port for Silo Tape Libraries. application name (read/write, encrypted, hidden) This attribute is only used for OpenVault jukeboxes. OpenVault requires any application to identify itself when submitting a request. This is the name used by this server to identify itself to OpenVault when submitting a request to access resources listed in this jukebox. application key (read/write, encrypted, hidden) recover and read-side clone requests. For recover requests, if the required volume is not mounted, and the client's "storage nodes" attribute does not match one of the owning hosts in the jukebox, then this attribute is used. For clone requests, if the required volume is not mounted, then this attribute is used. NDMP jukebox (read-only, yes/no) This attribute specifies the jukebox robotics is controlled by the NDMP Tape Server host. NDMP type (read-only, Choice list, hidden) This attribute specifies type of control the NDMP Jukebox pro- vides. Other than Celestra 1.6 on Solaris, all other jukeboxes that are controlled by NDMP Tape Server will have the value "Logical Handle Device". NDMP hostname (read-only, single string) This attribute specifies the NDMP Tape Server hostname that is controlling the jukebox robotics. remote user (read/write, single string) This attribute specifies user name on NDMP Tape Server host to control the jukebox robotics. password (read/write, single string) This attribute specifies the password for the remote user on NDMP Tape Server that control the jukebox robotics. NDMP jukebox handle (read-only, single string) This attribute specifies the jukebox handle on NDMP Tape Server host to control the jukebox robotics. NDMP bus number (read-only, number, hidden) This attribute specifies the BUS number of the Jukebox on the NDMP Tape Server host. The bus number in control port for NDMP jukeboxes is always 1024 and the actual BUS number is stored here. jukebox lock (read only, single string, hidden) This attribute synchronizes access to resources in a jukebox that supports multiple simultaneous operations. This attribute is used to lock the entire jukebox. When locked, this is the only operation that has access to the jukebox. The value is equal to the instance number assigned to the simultaneous opera- tion holding the lock. This attribute is used to pass informa- tion between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manu- ally by the administrator. Example: jukebox lock: 10; device locks (read only, hidden) This attribute synchronizes access to device resources in a jukebox that supports multiple simultaneous operations. Each value for this attribute is a list of three numbers separated by "-". The first two numbers identify a range of devices locked. Each number identifies a device by the corresponding order the devices are listed in the devices attribute. The third number is the instance number assigned to the simultaneous operation which holds the lock. This attribute is used to pass informa- rated by "-". The first two numbers identify the range of vol- umes/slots locked. The third number is the instance number assigned to the simultaneous operation which holds the lock. Holding a lock grants access to the slot and any volume associ- ated with the slot. This attribute is used to pass information between NetWorker programs, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. Example: volume/slot locks: 1-5-10; autodetect id (read/write, hidden) This attribute is for identifying auto-detected devices. It is used by NetWorker programs only, and should not be changed manually by the administrator. ASCAPI (read/write, yes/no, hidden) When connecting to AlphaStor/SmartMedia this attribute deter- mines whether NetWorker first asks whether the media manager supports ASCAPI language or CAPI language. When the NetWorker server first starts it sets this attribute appropriately. The value of this attribute is only an optimization, to keep Net- Worker from continually asking whether the media manager sup- ports a language it doesn't. This attribute should never be modified by an administrator. Example: ASCAPI: yes;
A resource defining a jukebox named Huntington is shown. The model attribute specifies a 'Exabyte 210' jukebox. The control port attribute specifies the bus, target, and LUN id for the robotics device 'scsidev@0.6.0'. The device attribute lists the pathnames of the two tape devices in the jukebox, '/dev/rmt/0mbn' and '/dev/rmt/1mbn'. Since the jukebox has a bar code reader, the two bar code yes/no attributes are both set to 'Yes'. The available slots attribute lists the slots to consider when automatically selecting a volume to load for writing. The available slots are 2 through 11. The hidden attributes are displayed. auto clean is yes so automatic cleaning of devices is enabled for this jukebox. cleaning slots is set to slot 1. This slot is reserved for a cleaning cartridge. type: NSR jukebox; name: Huntington; model: EXB-210; physical slots: 1-11; control port: scsidev@0.6.0; devices: /dev/rmt/0mbn, /dev/rmt/1mbn; number devices: 2; number drives: 2; device hardware ids: "", ""; idle device timeout: 10; SmartMedia update interval: 12; write enabled: Yes; bar code reader: Yes; match bar code labels: Yes; volume expiration: ; available slots: 2-11; enabler code: 012345-6789ab-cdef00; operation: ; operation label state: ; operation volume capacity: ; operation volume type: ; operation ineligible: ; operation task: ; operation result: ; operation instance: ; operation next instance: 2; operation hostname: ; operation dev hostname: ; operation template: ; operation number uses: ; operation volume pool: ; operation source pool: ; volumes: -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -; volume ids: "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""; STL barcodes: ; STL device sharing: ; STL device reservation: ; STL interface lib: ; event tag: ; event message: ; messages: "09/12/97 11:50:56 CREATED"; minimum space: 7g; jukebox options: ; auto clean: Yes; cleaning slots: 1; default cleanings: 12; auto media management: Yes; reset class: initialize unload; application name: ; application key: ; read hostname: hostname; jukebox lock: ; device locks: ; volume/slot locks: ;
nsr(5), nsr_device(5), nsr_storage_node(5), nsradmin(1), nsrd(1), nsrjb(1), nwadmin(1).
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