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   - Windows Only


generate_test_tape - perform generates a test tape for diagnostic pur- poses.


       generate_test_tape -f device [ -z blocksize ] [  -s  filesize  ]  [  -b
                          maxblocks ] [ -m maxfiles ] [ -v ]


       The  generate_test_tape  program  generates  a  test  tape mounted on a
       device for diagnostic purposes.  32 KB blocks are first written to  the
       tape mounted on the device, with a filemark at every N number of blocks
       it has completed writing the total number of blocks  specified  by  the
       user, or till it reaches end of tape.


       -f     device
            Specifies the device to generate the test tape on.


       -b     maxblocks
              Use  the  -b  option  to specify the maximum number of blocks to
              write to tape.  The value of maxblocks must be greater  than  0.
              If the -b and the -m options are not specified, the program will
              write to the end of tape or till a write error is encountered.

       -m     maxfiles
              Use the -m option to specify the  maximum  number  of  files  to
              write  to  tape.   The value of maxfiles must be greater than 0.
              If the -b and the -m options are not specified, the program will
              write to the end of tape or till a write error is encountered.

       -s     filesize
              Use the -s option to specify the file size (in number of blocks)
              to write to tape.  The value of filesize must be greater than 0.
              The default file size is 1000 32KB blocks.

       -sz    blocksize
              Use  the  -s option to specify the block size (in number of 1KB)
              to write to tape.  The value of blocksize must be  greater  than
              0.  The default block size is 1000 32KB.

       -v     Run the program in verbose mode.  This option will print out the
              version number of the CDI library used by the program.


       Sample output including drive status information:

     % generate_test_tape -f /dev/rmt/3cbn -b 20 -s 2 -v
              ready to fill tape on QUANTUM
                     DLT7000          using device file /dev/rmt/2cbn
              each tape record will be 32768 bytes
              a filemark will be written every 2 records
              the process will end when 20 total records have been written to the tape
     block = 1.  Buffer = 1 1 1 1
     block = 7.  Buffer = 7 7 7 7
     block = 8.  Buffer = 8 8 8 8
     block = 9.  Buffer = 9 9 9 9
     block = 10.  Buffer = a a a a
     block = 11.  Buffer = b b b b
     block = 12.  Buffer = c c c c
     block = 13.  Buffer = d d d d
     block = 14.  Buffer = e e e e
     block = 15.  Buffer = f f f f
     block = 16.  Buffer = 10 10 10 10
     block = 17.  Buffer = 11 11 11 11
     block = 18.  Buffer = 12 12 12 12
     block = 19.  Buffer = 13 13 13 13




Legato NetWorker 7.x

Man(1) output converted with man2html, sed, awk


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