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  nsr (1)
  nsr (5)
   - Windows Only


nsrim - NetWorker index management program


       nsrim [ -c client ] [ -N saveset ] [ -V volume ]
       [ -x percent ] [ -lnqvMX ]


       The nsrim program is used to manage the NetWorker online file and media
       indexes.  Normally, nsrim is invoked by savegrp(1) command  on  comple-
       tion, and by nsrd(1) when Remove oldest cycle is selected from the Net-
       Worker Administrator program.  nsrim  is  not  normally  run  manually.
       However, the command's modes can be modified such that normal users may
       run the command while retaining root privileges; see  nsr(1)  for  more

       When  the  savegrp(1) command launches nsrim at the end of its task, it
       checks the timestamp of the file /nsr/mm/nsrim.prv.  If  the  timestamp
       of this file is greater than or equal to 23 hours, nsrim marks all save
       sets that are passed their browse and retention policy  as  recyclable.
       If save sets need to be monitored for their browse and retention policy
       more frequently (for example, if savegrp(1) is run more frequently than
       every  23  hours),  nsrim  -X  should be set up as a cron(1m) entry, or
       should be run manually.

       nsrim uses policies to determine how to manage  online  entries.   (See
       nsr_policy(5),  nsr_client(5),  and the NetWorker Administrator's Guide
       for an explanation of index policies).  Entries that have  been  in  an
       online  file  index  longer than the period specified by the respective
       client's browse policy are removed.  Save sets that have existed longer
       than  the period specified by a client's retention policy are marked as
       recyclable in the media index.  When all of the save sets on  a  volume
       have  been marked recyclable, then the volume is considered recyclable.
       Recyclable volumes may be  selected  by  NetWorker  (and  automatically
       relabeled  by  a  jukebox) when a writable volume is needed to hold new
       backups.  When a recyclable volume is reused, the old  data  is  erased
       and  is  no  longer recoverable.  Space for recyclable and aborted save
       sets of adv_file and file type volume (see  nsr_device(5))  is  removed
       from  the  volume  (on disk) with the save set entries deleted from the
       media index and the data in these save sets will no longer be  recover-

       Unless  the -q option is used, nsrim prints header and trailer informa-
       tion for each group of save sets.  The header lists the save set  type,
       the  client  name,  the  save  set  name, and the applicable browse and
       retention policies that apply to the save set.   (See  the  example  in
       this man page).  There are four types of save sets:

       Normal All  save  sets  backed  up automatically using savegrp that are
              associated with a schedule, a browse  policy,  and  a  retention

       Ad hocs
              User-initiated  save sets are designated by appending ad hocs to
              the header line.
              migrations to the save set line.

       The  trailer  lists  four  utilization statistics of the save set after
       nsrim has applied the policies to it.   The  four  statistics  are  the
       total  number  of  browsable  files  remaining in the online index, the
       total of files currently associated with the save set, and  the  amount
       of  recoverable  data out of the total of data associated with the save
       set.  For example, nsrim may print the following output  for  one  save
       set name:

              mars:/usr, retention policy: Year, browse policy: Month, ad hocs
              8481 browsable files of 16481 total, 89 MB recoverable of 179 MB total

              mars:/usr, retention policy: Year, browse policy: Month, ad hocs
              0 browsable files of 13896 total, 163 MB recoverable of 163 MB total

              mars:/usr, retention policy: Year, browse policy: Month 43835
              browsable files of 427566 total, 6946 MB recoverable of 7114 MB total

       When  the  -v option is used, the following information is also printed
       for each save set: the save set id, creation date, level,  file  count,
       size, and status.  A save set's status is one of the following:

       browse The  file  entries  for the save set are browsable (the save set
              files still exist in the online index).  These files are  easily
              restored using the NetWorker recover mechanisms.

              The age of the save set does not exceed the retention policy for
              the save set, but its entries have been  purged  from  the  Net-
              Worker  online  index.   This means that save set is recoverable
              from the backup media using recover.  (See  recover(1).)  
              scanner(1)  may  be  also be used to recover the save set, but users
              should use recover first.

              The save set is older than its associated retention  policy  and
              may  be overwritten (deleted) once its backup media is recycled.
              Until the media is recycled, the save set  is  also  recoverable
              from  the  backup  media.   Recyclable save sets of adv_file and
              file type (see nsr_device(5)) volumes will be removed  from  the
              volumes  and media database, the data in these save sets will no
              longer be recoverable.

       delete The save set will be deleted from  the  media  database.   nsrim
              deletes only recyclable save sets that have zero files.

       The save set status may be followed by any of the following modifiers:

              The  save  set  never  expires,  and  is  exempt from any status

              The save set was created by a  file  migration  application  and
              never expires, and is exempt from any status change.

       (scanned in)

              17221062  3/05/92  f  23115 files   158 MB recycle
              17212499  3/19/92  f    625 files    26 MB recover(aborted)->recycle
              17224025  5/23/92  i      0 files     0 KB recover->recycle->delete
              17226063  6/05/92  f   3115 files    58 MB recover
              17226963  6/09/92  f   3197 files   114 MB browse->recover
              17227141  6/10/92  f   3197 files   115 MB browse

       Once  nsrim has processed all of the save sets, it flags the file index
       for cross-checking in nsrindexd(1).  If the -l flag is  specified,  the
       cross-check  is attempted synchronously, otherwise, it is simply sched-
       uled and nsrindexd performs the cross-check when the index is idle.  At
       the  same  time,  nsrim  processes the status of any affected NetWorker
       volumes.  With the absence of the -q flag, a line is printed  for  each
       volume.   The  line includes the volume name, the amount of space used,
       the total number of save sets, and the status.  The status will be  one
       of the following:

              More  save  sets  may be appended to the volume.  The status may
              also be modified with (currently mounted) which  signifies  that
              the  volume  could  transition to the recyclable state if it was
              not mounted for writing.

       read-only, full
              No more save sets can be appended to the  volume,  nor  can  the
              volume be reused since it contains some valuable save sets.

              No  more  save  sets can be appended to the volume, and all save
              sets on the volume have expired.

       In addition, the following modifier  applies  to  all  three  of  these

              The volume will not be automatically eligible for recycling when
              all of its save sets have expired.  Instead, the volume may only
              be  recycled  by  a manual relabel operation.  Note that a read-
              only volume can still be recycled unless  the  manual-recyclable
              flag  is  also set.  The manual-recyclable flag can be set using
              the NetWorker Administrator GUI (nwadmin(1)) or the nsrmm(1) and
              nsrjb(1) commands when volumes are labeled or at any time there-
              after.  This flag is never set automatically.

       If the volume status changes, then nsrim appends  ->recyclable  to  the
       status.   If the volume contains some browsable save sets, then this is
       noted; recoverable save sets are also noted.  The  odd  case  where  an
       appendable  volume  has  only  recyclable  save sets is also noted. For

              jupiter.20: 3474 MB used, 398 save sets, full->recyclable
              jupiter.21: 4680 MB used, 440 save sets, full, 249 recoverable
              jupiter.22: 4689 MB used, 351 save sets, full, 351 browsable
              jupiter.24: 1488 MB used, 141 save sets, appendable, 141 browsable


       Under normal circumstances, the association between browse or retention

       1)   Locate all the client resources which belong  to  the  same  group
            that the save set belongs to. Within this set of client resources,
            apply the following rules to get the  best  match.  If  no  client
            resource  belongs  to  the  save  set's  group, or if the group no
            longer exists, or if the saveset is from  a  backup  earlier  than
            version  5  (when  group  information was not recorded in the save
            set), apply the following rules to all the client resources to get
            the best match.

       2)   Locate a client resource explicitly listing the save set.  If more
            than one client resource lists the save  set,  choose  the  client
            resource with the longest policy.

       3)   Search  for a client resource listing the save set "All".  If more
            than one client resource lists the  save  set  "All",  choose  the
            client resource with the longest policy.

       4)   Find  the  client resource listing a save set with the most common
            prefix (longest) of the target save set.  If more than one  client
            resource  lists  the  save set with the most common prefix, choose
            the client resource with the longest policy.

       5)   Among all of the client resources, choose the client resource with
            the longest policy.

       Note  that if two or more client resources with the same name exist, it
       is possible that the browse policy from  one  instance  of  the  client
       resource  and  the retention policy of another instance may be used for
       managing save set information.

       Save sets that have no corresponding NetWorker client resource use  the
       NetWorker  client  resources  of  the server to determine the browse or
       retention policies.

       A save set cannot be purged from the  index  or  marked  for  recycling
       until  all  of its dependent save sets are also eligible for purging or
       recycling.  See the NetWorker Administrator's Guide for an  explanation
       of dependent save sets.

       The  last  (and  only) Full save set will not be purged from the online
       index until it is also marked for recycling.  In this case, the  header
       line of the save set omits the browse policy and prints a message stat-
       ing that only one browsable cycle exists.

       With the exception of the -l  option,  manual  ad  hoc  save  sets  are
       treated  as  full  save  sets that have no dependents.  However, unlike
       true Full save sets, the last manual save set is not given any  special
       consideration with regard to index purging.

       The  retention time applied to save sets is rounded up to midnight when
       the elapsed time implied by the policies is greater than or equal to  a
       day.   Therefore,  nsrim  should produce the same results whether it is
       run at 8 a.m. or 5 p.m. on the same day.


       -c client
              Only process the online file index  for  the  specified  client.
              save  sets  are  treated  as normal incremental save sets.  This
              option also sets the utilization threshold to 30 percent.

       -M     Master mode (not advised for manual operation).   Advises  nsrim
              that  it is being run by nsrd(1) or another NetWorker daemon and
              that it should log messages with  timestamps,  and  perform  any
              other behavior expected by nsrd.

       -N save set
              Process  only  save  sets  named;  all others are skipped.  This
              option can be repeated to process multiple save sets.

       -n     Do nothing.  Instead, emulate the actions of this command  with-
              out the index cross-check.  Note that trailer statistics reflect
              current (and not emulated) results.

       -q     Run quietly.  This option will not generate header,  trailer  or
              save set  messages.

       -V volume
              Specifies  the  name of the volume to be processed.  This option
              can be repeated to process multiple  volumes.   -c,  -N  and  -l
              options are ignored when this option is specified.

       -v     Produce a more detailed report.  This may produce a large amount
              of output.  When both -v and -q are  issued,  they  cancel  each

       -X     Check  the  consistency  of  the data structures of the save set
              with the data structures of the volume.  This is  only  required
              after  a NetWorker crash.  This option also sets the utilization
              threshold to 30 percent.

       -x percent
              Sets the utilization threshold.  If, after removing entries, the
              utilization  of  an online file index is less than the specified
              amount, the index is compressed automatically  by  passing  this
              percentage  to  nsrindexd  when  requesting  a cross-check.  The
              default value is 50 (percent).  Note that specifying  -X  or  -l
              changes the default to 30 (percent).


              nsrim  locks  this file, preventing more than one copy of itself
              from thrashing the media database.


       You are not authorized to run this command
              Only root may run nsrim to modify the online indexes.   However,
              any user may invoke the command with the -n option.

       nsrim has finished checking volume <name>
              This notification message appears in the NetWorker messages win-
              dow when nsrim completes and the command was invoked with the -q
              and -V options.

       nsrim has finished (cross) checking the media db
              This notification message appears in the NetWorker messages win-


Legato NetWorker 7.x

Man(1) output converted with man2html, sed, awk


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