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inquire - list devices available


       inquire [ -a b.t.l ] [ -cl ] [ -N ] [ -s ] [ -T [ -t ] ]


       The  inquire program lists SCSI devices available.  The inquire program
       returns INQUIRY data either for the named  SCSI  device  (with  the  -a
       option), or for all SCSI devices attached to the system. In addition to
       the standard SCSI inquiry  data,  inquire  now  returns  serial  number
       information  obtained from the Vital Product Data (VPD) pages supported
       by the devices that are being queried.  There may be anywhere from zero
       to  eight  different identifiers for each device, depending on which of
       the VPD pages that particular device supports.

       Sample output including serial number information:

     scsidev@0.0.0:SEAGATE ST34371W SUN4.2G7462|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2
                    S/N: JDY217500LUW5N
     scsidev@0.1.0:QUANTUM ATLAS IV 36 SCA 0B0B|Disk, /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2
                    S/N: 363009430963
                    ATNN:QUANTUM 363009430963
     scsidev@0.6.0:TOSHIBA XM5701TASUN12XCD2395|CD-ROM, /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s2
     scsidev@4.0.0:SONY    TSL-11000       L1  |Tape, /dev/rmt/0cbn
                    S/N: 0001100158
                    ATNN:SONY    TSL-11000       0001100158
     scsidev@4.0.1:SONY    TSL-11000       L1  |Autochanger (Jukebox)
                    S/N: 3761633968
                    ATNN:SONY    TSL-11000       3761633968
     scsidev@4.2.0:IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1     0CE0|Tape
                    S/N: 6811004028
                    ATNN:IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1     6811004028
     scsidev@4.3.0:HP      Ultrium 1-SCSI  N16D|Tape, /dev/rmt/1cbn
                    S/N: GB81A00316
                    ATNN:HP      Ultrium 1-SCSI  GB81A00316
     scsidev@4.4.0:IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1     0CE0|Tape
                    S/N: 6811003960
                    ATNN:IBM     ULTRIUM-TD1     6811003960
     scsidev@4.5.0:EXABYTE Exabyte 221L    2.4 |Autochanger (Jukebox)
                    S/N: 99999999

              Lines starting with S/N: represent the device's serial number as
              returned by VPD page 80 hex.

              Lines  that  start with a four character prefix plus a colon are
              those returned in SCSI-3 format on VPD page 83  hex.   The  four
              character  prefix tells which of the various SCSI-3 Device Iden-
              tifiers it represents.
          ATNN: ASCII Text identifier of unspecified format
                describing the device itself (usually Vendor, Product,  Serial
          ATPN: ASCII Text identifier of unspecified format
                describing  the  port  that  you  are  connected to the device
                through (not commonly used)

          IENN: An IEEE 64-bit identifier (EUI-64) describing
                the device itself (shown in hexadecimal format)
          IEPN: An IEEE 64-bit identifier (EUI-64) describing
                the port you are connected through (shown in hexadecimal  for-
          WWNN: A Fibrechannel identifier (World Wide Node Name)
                describing the device itself  (shown in hexadecimal format)
          WWPN: A Fibrechannel identifier (World Wide Port Name)
                describing  the  port you are connected through (shown in hex-
                adecimal format)
          PORT: The relative port number that you are connected
                through.  Port "A" would return a value of 1, Port "B" a value
                of 2...
          RESV: The device returned a combination of Association
                and  Identifier  Type  bits that was reserved at the time this
                code was written.
          UNKN: The device returned information that this program
                was unable to decipher


       -a b.t.l
              Selects a specific ordinal SCSI address, where b is the  logical
              SCSI  bus,  t is the SCSI target, and l is the SCSI logical unit
              number (LUN) on that target. The option is not  compatible  with
              -N. See libscsi(1).

       -c     (NOTE:  USE  WITH  CAUTION)  This  flag  directly sends the SCSI
              inquiry command to the device and  may  cause  unforseen  errors
              when there is other activity on the bus.

       -l     Performs a complete LUN search for all SCSI adapters in the sys-
              tem.  This argument is accepted on all  systems,  but  does  not
              have any effect on HP-UX systems because the method used to scan
              for available devices on HP-UX systems always shows  all  acces-
              sible devices.  For  systems other than HP-UX, the normal behav-
              ior is to start checking at LUN 0 for SCSI devices.   The  first
              empty LUN found will end the search for a given target ID.  With
              the -l option, all LUNs present on all target IDs for  all  SCSI
              busses in the system will be checked for devices.  This can take
              a very long time and should therefore only be used  when  neces-
              sary.  For example, a Fibre Channel adapter can support 126 tar-
              get IDs, each of which may have 80 or more LUNs.   Checking  all
              LUNs  on  this  single  adapter  may take over 10 minutes.  This
              option has no affect when -N present.

       -N     Performs a device discovery on NDMP Tape Server.  User  will  be
              prompted for NDMP Tape Server name, NDMP user name and password.
              NDMP protocol exports only Jukeboxes and Tape Devices. No  other
              device  types  will be discovered. When NDMP Tape Server is run-
              ning  at  version   3   or   higher   and   supports   NDMP_CON-
              FIG_GET_SCSI_INFO   and   NDMP_CONFIG_GET_TAPE_INFO  interfaces,
              inquire will display the INQUIRY  data  for  all  the  available
              Jukeboxes  and  Tape  Devices.  In all other cases, inquire will
              prompt for Jukebox handle and get  the  INQUIRY  data  for  that
              Jukebox.  This option is not compatible with -a. See -T for more

               Communicating to devices on NDMP Server 'server-2', this may take a while...

               scsidev@178.0.0:QUALSTARTLS-6110        2.09|Autochanger (Jukebox), c178t0l0
                                                       S/N: 44B43014
               scsidev@178.0.1:QUANTUM DLT8000         0119|Tape, c178t0l1
                                                       S/N: CX938P2489

              Sample output with NDMP Tape Server running at V2:

               # inquire -N
               Enter NDMP Tape Server name: ? molokai
               Enter NDMP user name: ? root
               Enter 'root' password on NDMP host 'molokai' (characters will not be echoed):

               Communicating to devices on NDMP Server 'molokai', this may take a while...

               NDMP Tape Server 'molokai' does not support of auto-discovery of SCSI and TAPE Devices.
               Will perform the operation on a single Jukebox in which you are interested.

               Enter NDMP Jukebox handle: ? mc1

               scsidev@-1.2.0:EXABYTE Exabyte 215     2.3 |Autochanger (Jukebox)
                                                          S/N: 71000073

       -s     Suppresses  the  collection  of  serial  number  information  by
              inquire, so that inquire returns the same  output  that  it  did
              before  the serial number information was added.  This option is
              primarily added so that any scripts that rely  on  the  previous
              output behavior of inquire can be used with only minor modifica-

       -T     This option is only valid when -N is present else it is ignored.
              The  option will display the NDMP Tape Devices in a non standard
              format. The Device Model and Device Handle(s) will be displayed.
              This  option  is useful on NDMP Tape Servers that do not support
              NDMP_SCSI_OPEN interface on Tape Devices (For example,  NetApp).

              Sample output with -T option on NetApp Filer.

               # inquire -N -T
               Enter NDMP Tape Server name: ? molokai
               Enter NDMP user name: ? root
               Enter 'root' password on NDMP host 'molokai' (characters will not be echoed):

               Communicating to devices on NDMP Server 'molokai', this may take a while...

               scsidev@0.2.0:EXABYTE Exabyte 215     2.3 |Autochanger (Jukebox), mc1
                                                          S/N: 71000073
               scsidev@0.3.0:QUANTUM Powerstor L200  0022|Autochanger (Jukebox), mc0
                                                          S/N: JF83801878

               Model                       Device Handle
               -----                       -------------

               Quantum DLT7000             nrst0l

       -t     This option is only valid when -T is present else it is ignored.
              The option will display the vendor specific  NDMP  Tape  Devices
              Attributes  for each tape device handles that are displayed with
              option -T.

              Sample output with -t option on NetApp Filer.

               # inquire -N -T -t
               Enter NDMP Tape Server name: ? rainbow
               Enter NDMP user name: ? root
               Enter 'root' password on NDMP host 'molokai' (characters will not be echoed):

               Communicating to devices on NDMP Server 'molokai', this may take a while...

               scsidev@0.3.0:QUANTUM Powerstor L200  0022|Autochanger (Jukebox), mc0
                                                          S/N: JF83801878

               Model            Device Handle    Attributes
               -----            -------------    ---------

               Quantum DLT7000  nrst0l            DENSITY               --  81633 bpi 40 GB (w/comp)
                                                  ELECTRICAL_NAME       --  0b.4
                                                  SERIAL_NUMBER         --  CX902S0678
                                                  WORLD_WIDE_NAME       --
                                                  ALIAS 0               --  st0

                                nrst0m            DENSITY               --  85937 bpi 35 GB
                                                  ELECTRICAL_NAME       --  0b.4
                                                  SERIAL_NUMBER         --  CX902S0678
                                                  WORLD_WIDE_NAME       --
                                                  ALIAS 0               --  st0

                                nrst0h            DENSITY               --  85937 bpi 50 GB (w/comp)
                                                  ELECTRICAL_NAME       --  0b.4
                                                  SERIAL_NUMBER         --  CX902S0678
                                                  WORLD_WIDE_NAME       --
                                                  ALIAS 0               --  st0

                                nrst0a            DENSITY               --  85937 bpi 70 GB (w/comp)
                                                  ELECTRICAL_NAME       --  0b.4
                                                  SERIAL_NUMBER         --  CX902S0678
                                                  WORLD_WIDE_NAME       --
                                                  ALIAS 0               --  st0




       The inquire program always uses the built-in  system  drivers  to  test
       SCSI devices.  The device type or path name printed by the inquire pro-
       gram may be incorrect for devices  that  require  special,  third-party


Legato NetWorker 7.x

Man(1) output converted with man2html, sed, awk


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